Republican Smokers?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by ZigZagPapers, Aug 27, 2008.

  1. The problem I have with the republican party is that I believe in helping others, and that it is the governments job to regulate that. And I like police and people who help me out when crazy pcp'd out people from oakland try to shoot me.
  2. :eek::eek::eek:
  3. You think it is the governments job to regulate helping people? This is why our government is so currupt. This country was made so people were free to do whatever they wanted on their own, not to be forced to opt into systems like national healthcare, drivers licenses, social security, etc. I dont think its the governments right to control anything at all. Anything. Run the country by the constitution and state law. If you want the government to control everything and make you pay them to "help people", go live in Sweden or something. It works for them, its just not the way this country was meant to be.

    I know youre probably a good guy, but free people shouldnt be forced to do anything.
  4. #24 city4eva204, Aug 27, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 27, 2008
    people these days link bush/mccainism with republicanism because they are part of the republican party. now what i think needs to happen is a renaming of parties; IE todays republican party should just be called the "Neoconservative Party" and then we won't have confusion as to the REAL flag flying republicans.

    about Obama, a lot of his ideas seem to be sound strategy to fixing up the current shit mess our country is in. i believe hes exactly what we need right now, then down the road once America is making a turn around for the better, we can have a republican set things back to original constitution standards; but the one thing that should not change if obama gets elected and a rep succeeds him, is his medical plan. taking away the middle man in insurance companies, the guys behind desks who decides who deserves life and who doesn't. (i only really support this because insurance companies have gotten out of hand and its obvious the people don't have enough power to stop them, so we need the government to do so. because if it was up to business ethics such as those, wed still have slavery because that was the most profitable means of getting shit done)... anyway, i don't think anyone should ever be turned away medical attention in our great advanced nation. sure you can argue modern medicine is hindering evolution and natural selection but then again, its inhumane to turn down a patient for a tetanus shot cuz he doesnt have insurance to cover it and as a result the person dies. stuff like that happens everyday, i think the least we can do is lower the cost of insurance, make our hospitals better and more comprehensive and overall reducing waiting lines, better using medical supplies and taking over the #1 spot in the world for quality of health care. with obamas medical plan we will be able to do this all, and it will only run cheaper for us, so more more money in our pockets away from greedy pigs (basically healthcare is the only really good example of good government intervention, other than that we really should stick to the constitution). we need to get rid of spying on our citizens, get rid of Oil dependency, appropriatley approach the iraq sitaution maturely and responsibley and figure out the best plan of action. now once all this shit is fixed, we can go back to a more republican constitutional view, thats the beauty of our countries system. we need to get America back from outsourcing corporations, the people of this great country need to have pride in it and i feel today that only our government is strong enough to undo what the government fucked up in the first place, we just need people to see the truth and not Fox news bullshit lies. vote for America, not for a popularity contest.

    Edited cuz im too high to get what im trying to say out and this is like the 3rd time im fixing it, so im just gonna give up now lol
  5. Nope, I'm one.

  6. My biggest beef with Obama is that he supports the Real ID (but Ron Paul was the only one who didnt), and that Joe Biden is against net neutrality. McCain will fuck us worse, but Obama might make things a little better, but it will be tough.
  7. Lol at the Republicans with Marley sigs.. I guess the Lyrics went over your head..
  8. #28 spaceman46&2, Aug 27, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 27, 2008
    The OP is a libertarian, which historically, conservative Republicans were also. However, that hasn't been the case for the last 50 years, especially since Ronald Reagan exploded the national debt from $700 billion to $3 TRILLION. And it could be argued that Nixon is largely to blame for our most recent economic woes by abandoning the gold standard and even worse, removing the prohibitions to trades in futures (volatile oil prices, housing market collapse, etc). Barry Goldwater was the last major Republican who held libertarian principles and actually wanted small government, but he never made it to the White House (Ron Paul holds similar beliefs, but he has practically no influence on the party). Really, the last President to hold "traditional" Republican principles and keep government spending in check was Eisenhower, OVER 50 YEARS AGO. I don't understand how anyone can call themselves a die-hard Republican and claim they support small government. That the two go together is a myth perpetrated by the Republican party and the media. It's simply not true.

    Every President since Eisenhower has relied on deficit spending, with no exceptions, and the Republican poster child Ronald Reagan was by far the worst. Not only did he massively increase the national debt (starting a trend) but he also was the first President in the post-FDR era to strongly support business deregulation (another trend Republican Presidents love), which many (ignorant) people believe is an integral part of "small government". However, that's turned out to be completely false. Deregulation simply allows corporations to fuck employees and consumers in the ass and line their own pockets with the profits. Trickle-down economics is an outright lie, and the fact that wages have not kept up with the cost of living makes that painfully obvious for those who it is supposed to benefit most. The only way to have small government is to reduce spending and to return legislative power to the states.

    The fact of the matter is that if you call yourself a Republican and refuse to vote for a Democrat, you're a fool. Both parties represent Big Government and they have for DECADES. Nobody posting here probably even remembers when Republicans stood for small government, if they ever truly did. This isn't a recent development. The more the government spends, the more contracts it can give out to corporate campaign contributors and friends, the more campaign contributions and "gifts" roll in next election cycle. It's that simple. Neither party has any interest in reducing government spending whatsoever. At least the Democrats support civil rights and personal freedom a little more consistently than Republicans. Now if only they'd stop wasting money on humanitarian missions in third world countries...
  9. Because I read his post.
  10. Was this thread originally in another forum? because I don't see any of the regulars of the political forum in here. crazy.
  11. I'm independent and used to lean Democrat. I have voted Republican but I'm closer to Libertarian. I think the Ds have been infected by radical leftism and corruption. I lived in the Soviet Union and the new Democrats just sound too similar to our old politicians.

    I mostly vote against taxes and big government. The Rs are starting to fail me on this issue though. They like the big government but run it with debt instead of taxes.

    I feel I have to choose between borderline communists and a corrupt greedy military empire. I'm leaning more towards the empire since I lived through communism but both choices suck.
  12. It was in Rec. Thats why theres so many dumbass posts.
  13. typical democrat stereotpye
  14. Seriously... I am a republican because I do not believe that the government should have a say in my life and the way I live it. It seems to me that the Democratic party wants to hold your hand to make it out of rough times, while infringing on individual rights. I'm not saying Bush has done any better, but I no longer consider him a true Republican. I believe that a true Republican should believe that the American citizens should make their own wealth, and not be forced to give it back to the poor, because not only have they earned it, but if the government takes it away, then it will just wind up as a wellfare check to some bum who doesn't want to work anymore. I just want America to be a truly free county again, and to see State's Rights come back, while shrinking the National Government.
  15. #35 EbencoyE, Aug 28, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 28, 2008

    If you were a cop and would arrest yourself, then yes. I would say that is indeed an oxymoron.

    I don't get these Drug War supporting tokers either. Does that make Reagan their biggest idol and most hated man ever at the same time?

    And I guess they must just be greedy if they enjoy having their representitives enforce "family values" and "morals" by taking away people's medicinal maryjane.

    I think Republican tokers smoked themselves silly. :smoking:

    Though, to be fair. There's not really any difference between Republicans and Democrats in this day and age. You'd have to be pretty clueless to support either in my opinion. Or I guess just a fat capitalist that enjoys our corrupt society.
  16. Well, sir, don't I just have the thing for you!

    It's called Anarchy. Complete freedom and control of the people!

    Though good luck ever finding an anarchist society that lets you get away with not being a team player.

    So pretty much you're screwed. I would just get used to it.

  17. There is a third possiblity "liberty" or "libertarianism" you are free to do what you want....AS it doesnt affect others freedoms. (ie: steeling prohibits someones ability to own somethin...murder..someones right to live..etc). Ronald Reagan said Libertarianism is the most conservative of all political catgories. No seat belt or helment laws drug laws...could you imagine if we had these laws when first discovering this county ...we would have never settled out West..the goverment would have deemed it unsafe and legislated against it. Thanks to the spirit of the American people full of adventure and ingenuity we did..people like the Donner party who had to eat people while being snowed under at Donner's pass are what the National Anthem refers to when you hear "land of the free and home of the brave". Goverment will always "claim" and "convince" you that you need their protection..don't drink the Oboma kool-aid he is a racist and a communist...socializing health care will unrepairably ruin our health care as you know it. Have you ever waited in an hours long line to get a license? Name one thing the country runs well? Don't fall for it....


  18. proof it

    i want see change in mcCAIN
    oh wait he supportin bush

    and obama is goin change that,
  19. how will Obama change it?
  20. ...and you sound like the government is pure evil conspiracy idiot.

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