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~{Reptar's Stash Jar}~

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by HaltIamReptar!, Jan 28, 2010.

  1. #1 HaltIamReptar!, Jan 28, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 17, 2010


    the lighting was different for a couple pics so it changed the color a little bit haha
    not the bombest I've gotten but it kept me high today :]
  2. looks pretty dank to me, enjoy! I just got my hands on some really good no name dank that looks similar and im extremely satisfied.
  3. #3 biG_Green, Jan 28, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 28, 2010
    there is no way that is white widow. Not trying to rag on you, but it just doesnt look like it at all. Maybe a kush? WW doesn't have orange hairs and is much much whiter.

  4. haha I'm not trippin.
    it's the dealer we should rag on!

    I'm tired of the black market. I'd rather just have my own plants.
    But in the meantime I smoke what they have haha
    I'm just gonna say it's a hybrid from now on.

    I only have a little left anyways. Tomorrow I'm gonna go pick up some trainwreck from my friend :]
    That is if he doesn't flake out on me.
  5. I agree I have seen white that looks similar to what you have there, but there wasn't orange hairs on any I've had.

  6. I figured White Widow would be a sativa dominant. But I'm no grower so I can't tell you that.
    I'm sure I get screwed over with names everyday.

    I kinda just ignore them now & enjoy the herb :D
  7. the laqst group of pics looked really good man, but yeah, we totally agree with u that it should look a lot different when they harvest the budz. It looks like, judging by the way it looks when it's growing, that it should have kief dropping all over the place when it's dried out. This is not the case though with the stuff we picked up too.
  8. Haha me neither, I just knew it looked different than that>
    Still looks hella nice tho :)

  9. thanks man!
    keep toking :smoke:
  10. #10 HaltIamReptar!, Jan 29, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 17, 2010
    Here's some more pics of a 3.3 sack after we smoked two bowls out the connects bong haha
    It weighed out to about 2.7 afterwards.


    My friend ran to the store to buy a yoo-hoo & came back with zig-zags & demanded that I roll a joint haha

  11. It goes Yoo-hoo, then Ovaltine, then NesQuik :D hahaha
  12. Looks good. I got white widow a few days ago, it's always dank. :cool:

  13. Yeahh this is the first batch I've ever smoked & it's definitely up there on my list now haha maybe in the top 20 :]
    But I know there's some wayyy bomber WW out there just waiting to be in my lungs hahaha
  14. Honestly, I think using the name white widow (in the US at least) is the biggest trick dealers try to pull on you. I remember last year my guy txts me "got white widow! 60 bucks an eighth". Me n my friend went in on one, and we get a bag that was honestly half dead leaves. Luckily my dealer wasn't in a gang or anything so we went and got our money back. Never went back to tht guy, lol. Last time I buy something in a bag covered in fucking duct tape...
    btw, I'm not dissin yours at all. Looks like you just got some other dank.
  15. I feel you dude! haha I don't even let my dealer walk away until I've inspected that shit.

    & that's good that you got your money back!
    Some tokers woulda just said fuck it & smoked what was in there haha
  16. Who cares about the name, those nugs look delish. +rep.

  17. haha Exactly! thanks :]
  18. a few of those pics look dank enough to be widow but some of them look iffy. the apparent trichomes and mad crystal structures make it look like the real deal so i'm going with widow but it just wasnt grown as well as it could have been. not trying to be a downer cuz the shit looks pretty boss. enjoy!
  19. Looks dank either way man, nice pics too! + rep!! :smoke:

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