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Reporting trollers and adbots, please look!

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by PinkySlayer, Sep 13, 2009.

  1. This is about what to do when you see any assholes on here advertising or trolling, our natural tendency is to just make a post saying fuck them, but what our INTELLIGENT tendency ought to be is to use the REPORT POST button in the right hand corner of the post, that way we can get these assholes out of here more quickly and efficiently, and we can all continue to fellowship in peace. Thanks!
  2. most people already know this.....
  3. i didnt know this.. i might be the cause of this thread

  4. doubtful. Have you noticed how many of these things have been showing up lately? Maybe it's cause im an on the ball reporting machine that you haven't:D
    but it seems like every time there is one theres a million replies but no one thinks to report them...

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