Report: Israel's new Mossad chief behind assassination of Iran nuclear scientist

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Swills, Aug 2, 2011.

  1. I don't know in what fantasy world the Green Movement protestors became "Dissidents inciting violence" when the whole movement is based on non-violence.. but you should probably leave that universe and come back to this one, my friend.
  2. The Ayatollah are of course in control in Iran, after all, they are considered to be the "supreme leaders". But I think the protests started because Ahmadinejad alledgedly stole the elections.
    I've been searching for a while to find out how popular the Ayatollah are in Iran. I couldn't find anything. I'll ask my Iranian ex-girlfriend when she comes online.
  3. The Ayatollahs in Iran are deeply divided - those that support the Green Movement, and those that don't. Those that don't, support Khamenei and the Basij's onslaughts against nonviolent Iranian university studnets (they ransacked dorms at Tehran colleges) and protestors in the streets.

    The Ayatollahs that support the Green movement, are in turn supported by the green movement on the ground.
  4. Thank you. I asked my ex and she was not very aware of the situation. Her family fled Iran after her father escaped from a prison. He was a political prisoner.
    I would imagine that those that support the Green movement are much more popular than those who don't, no?

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