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replacing screens

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by mrhelpesuhcs, Feb 10, 2011.

  1. How often should I replace the screen in my bong?
  2. Use them until they don't look appealing to you
  3. When they clog take them out, burn the resin off and place them back in. When it starts to get holes then throw it away.

    Depending on the bowl you can just go without the screens.

  4. can't i smoke the resin?
  5. why use a screen i dont need one for mine
  6. Who smokes bong with screens?!

  7. because i need one for mine?
  8. daily. change it between every hit...a new screen each time.
  9. dont be a troll bro get a glass screen and you wont have to worry is your hole huge or what
  10. I only replace them when there isn't good air flow... and even then... it's a maybe..

    If it's really clogged and i don't have another screen to replace it... i hold the lighter to it and take a hard hit of resin to clear it.
  11. I need to see your bowl that requires said screen.

  12. its not required.
    why is everyone being so damn critical of my choice to use a screen?!?
    i came in here with a simple question and im just getting criticized...
  13. It's really a matter of opinion. Some people will change the screen once they burn a hole through it. Others will change them daily.

    Because screens are dirt cheap, I'd say change them all the time. Sooner rather than later.
  14. one thing is a metal screen ads a nasty taste to the weed plus thay res up and taste like ass get a glass screen
  15. This one bowl i have, i had to use 5 screens for it lol It's like and incha and a half long but the weed is only an inch or so away.. So it harsh and i get a lot of ash.

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