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replacement for rolling paper?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by preewee, Feb 2, 2011.

  1. I got some converse all stars the other day. The shoebox has that weird translucent papery stuff in it. I just tried to roll with it and it actually seemed to work pretty decently. Is it safe to use to smoke? I'm not so sure.. :confused:
  2. If u can't buy a 2 dollar pack of papers then dont smoke.
  3. LMFAO. Enjoy smoking tissue paper.
  4. I've heard of people using bible papers, but i dont know how well it will work. I think receipts work, but you have to burn the ink off it beforehand. Take your lighter and hold it below the ink-side-down receipt about 3 or 4 inches until it burns off.

    Or just make a bowl out of a soda can, or gatorade bong.

    (I know these ideas are bad for you, but sometimes blades are desperate, dont bash me about the ideas.)

    EDIT: Kimmo, I've actaully tried that before a few years ago lmao. Stopped after the first puff, holy fuck was that disgusting.
  5. Its not that I can't afford it.. I just don't have access to any store for the next few weeks
  6. Yeah it's good go for it
  7. #7 NowIsB, Feb 2, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 2, 2011

    AKA you are < 18
  8. If you're going to call him out on his age, at least get the symbol right there, big guy.
  9. If you can't buy rolling papers then make a pipe or don't smoke. Rolling a joint with some random form of paper is stupid and could be VERY harmful to your health.
  10. i always mess up the alligator mouth =[, "big guy".
  11. Lmao, the alligator mouth always faces the bigger number! :laughing:

  12. yea man but there was only one number n i suck at math, get off my back lol

  13. No he was right except he forgot the variable.

    x < 18
  14. Damn dog, fuck whoever said he's underage, IDK if you realize that some parts of the country

  15. You don't need a variable. He was trying to say, "you are <18." Literally translated as you are greater than 18. It's the less than symbol with a proper variable, but the way it's worded is all wrong.

  16. Use your feet and walk to the gas station. waa waa its snowing big woop.

  17. Who the fuck walks to the gas station?
  18. I don't know where you live. But have fun walking maybe miles in 6 feet of fresh powder to get to a gas station. And what makes you think the clerks can get to their store? Most places are closed due to the storm.

  19. Well me for example as I...
    Live close enough,
    Am not pushing the limits of obesity,
    and am not a lazy fuck.

    Also I have not heard anything about anyone with 6 feet of snow...

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