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Reoccurring High

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by LloydIR, Jan 30, 2011.

  1. I feel like I am a bit high although have not smoked in 15 hours or so.
    Has this happened to anyone else?
    What the hell?
  2. ya man its normal you need to wait a bit to get rid of the feeling, or just smoke more
  3. sometimes i smoke before bed, and the next day i go to school, and half way through the day i tend to be quite a bit more social than normal like making stupid jokes, ect...and i will not procces some things quit the same but it dissapates by the end of the day. of course i havent figured out if im just imagening though lol
  4. I feel this alot too man. Like I will be just chillin crusin grasscity and then i feel kinda buzzed, when I did dxm on halloween i felt weird for like 2 days straight so i guess its just the after shock.

  5. agreed, just smoke more weed and it will go away:smoke:
  6. Happened to me after a 3 month T-break. It lasted untill I smoked the next time. It was annoying pissed me off too. It seemed like anytime I moved my arms they felt like they moved when I'm high

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