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Remembering the "Good Ole Days"

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by Kimmiescock, Dec 17, 2023.

  1. With the opening of dispensaries and the hybrid pot now days which is potent no doubt, and the strains that are known as indica and sativa, I remember some of the weed back in the day that made this stuff like ditch weed. Some of my memorable ones were known as, Acapulco Gold, Panama Red, Columbian :Gold and Kona bud. And of course the good ole Thai stick that was laced with opium. Does anyone else recall the days as I'm speaking of?
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  2. Yeah, I think for me, the late 90s was when I found the best weed.
    It would be potent (more than now), high would be better (no paranoia), and smell would be impossible to contain. Also it looked better, being manicured by hand instead of machine or cheap labor.
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  3. My memory goes back to the late 70s when the "Gold" pot was so sticky if smoked in a joint it would resin up the paper so much halfway thru it you couldn't hit it. The others were varied in their effects. One strain caused me to hallucinate and see the airwaves moving and objects "breathe' if you stared at them.
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  4. @Kimmiescock . Definitely agree. I have never found anything like that Thai Stick I smoked in 1970. I found other strains then that got me higher than anything I can find these days. I don't think it's all about the THC percentage and that's all my dispensary seems to care about.
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  5. even mid 2000's. Whatever my brother was smoking when i was in my teens still has a memory just from the smell, and it hits me whenever i get a whiff of it again, but those smells/strains seem to come around as often as an albino stag. Everything homogenized, gotta focus on terpene and unique qualities instead of breeding stuff into thc bombs

    I remember smoking brick weed stronger than some of todays dispo weed.
    Tasted like shit, but THC isnt everything.
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  6. I got some weed back in the early 80s that they called "Float pot" that was pretty good too. It also tasted like shit but it got you stoned as fuck and it was cheaper than the usual stuff going around. It got it's name from how it was found, floating around in the ocean in plastic wrapped packs that were dumped overboard by a smuggling boat who's mission was about to be aborted by the coastguard.
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  7. lmao, I can only imagine. smoking sun baked weed washed up on a shore from some smuggling op.
    Sealed in stuff that cuts oxygen off, naturally cured and decarbed in the sun for who knows how long

    Curing plays major effect also in your final consumable.
    Fermentation, bacteria, yeast.

    They use to pack the mexican brick weed still wet, and it did something in the fermentation process

    Forgot what it was called, but there's another country where they ferment fresh weed, buried under the floor boards of their chicken coops and something magical happens, Wish i could find the link to that again..

    Tangwena's Malawi-Style Cob Cure: Fermented Cannabis
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  8. Like back in the day when we'd get a bag of weed that was just mediocre we'd put orange peels in it and seal it up and let it mold then dry it out . It would somehow improve the stone of it.,
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  9. The bales I've seen were far from waterproof, early 80's. Moldy/mildew weed being better??? NOT IMO. People can be encouraged to drink dirty bongwater too. :rolleyes::confused_2:
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  10. I grew up in the 70's and remember all of that weed. I also remember the sandwich baggies the dealer would lick and roll up after weighing it out. I'm growing out a Acapulco Gold strain right now. It's a new version of it. But, I'm hopeful. I still have the genetics of an old Blue Dream. It's not crazy frosty like the new stuff. But, almost everybody that grows it out loves it.
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  11. Pre zip lock days, lol. As a germophobe NOW, licking the baggie before stuffing it in their shorts. :eek:
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  12. I grew a lb of blue dream this year.
    I'm gonna try the orange peel trick with blueberry's :toke:
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  13. I would suggest trying Dryptamine's links to COB curing. If you're interested in trying something different.
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  14. I was kidding bout the blueberry's :biggrin:
    I read about the corn cob way, have you tried it timj?
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  15. Shit dude, I'm out here in Laos currently smoking on some landrace from the highlands. A lot of the Thai stick from back in the day came from Laos, the farmers are always in the mountains. :biggrin: And it's much the same as it ever was...

    Got a few kg of seeds from Laos, Vietnam and India on this trip so far.

    The old skools still kickin' bro!
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  16. Lemon peel here, but it takes very little, peel (no white pith it's bitter) to keep weed from drying out, too much/too long & you get mildew/mold ='s no bueno para mi a boveda bag does the same without the mold or flavor. My weed doesn't get too dry here in Fl. :confused_2:
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  17. No. I have vacuum sealed and stored weed in the freezer before and it did come out looking like green brick weed. But, that's as close to COB curing as I've ever been.
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  18. I was there too & IDK!!! Was the "good" weed really that good, or were we accustomed to shit? & how often did you get more than 1 type of good at a time to compare it head to head? I'd love to take that Pepsi challenge today.
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  19. Totally. This was the secret of the Thai stick, and all other bales coming from SE Asia in the days of yore... compression curing. It's how that extra dimension of quality was formed. Extended heat, pressure and curing in cobs, or in large bales allows the mass to homogenise, and recent research has indicated that novel cannabinoids and terpenes are formed from phytochemicals when certain temperature and pressure thresholds have been applied to the trichome head. Much like hash.

    Furthermore, considering the high humidity in this part of the world, it is the most feasible method for longterm storage. That's a bit of an issue in the current legal Thai scene actually, in that all of these polyhybrids from the west are being grown and when put on the shelf in an air conditioned dispensary they look decent, but as soon as you bust them out the door into the 80% relative humidity of a sweaty Bangkok night, they all go to shit.

    Here's a pic of some bamboo compression cure we found from pre-legalisation Thailand a few years back:

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  20. Right on bro
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