Remember Eric Prydz Call On Me?

Discussion in 'Television/Internet TV/VOD/DVD' started by thompsonbassman, Jan 18, 2010.

  1. Yeah you do, that sexy video?
    [ame=]YouTube - Eric Prydz - Call On Me[/ame]

    Here's a version this media class did at my school, hope you guys find it pretty funny ahahah. :smoking:
    [ame=]YouTube - Wilmslow Fat Call On Me[/ame]
  2. Yeah saw that a few years ago and I've known the song for a while, too. I thought this thread was going to be about you banging one of the broads from that video.

  3. Unfortunately not man, I'm banging one of the broads from the other video I posted though....

    She ain't fat in real life.
  4. Which one?
  5. Which girl? She's the one eating on the front row of girls, got purple hair.
  6. Bump. I want you to laugh at this blades.
  7. Love the original and whoever is the lead girl actress in your version....DAYUMMMM
  8. hey , i play the fat shit in the blue eating on the front row ...

  9. Hey. I play the guy that bangs you!!! :hello:
  10. LOL.:hello:
  11. ahahahaha thanks , you are one lucky fuck

  12. Yeah you love it. Will you eat my fudge? :hello:

  13. you implying your fudge is that small ? ;)

  14. No. Erm. I. Ok I'll just say it.

    I want you to give me a good rimming. :p

  15. Im up for a rusty trombone? Thats my final offer
  16. Oooh deal!!!

    I'm ready for some jazz bitch!!!
  17. this song is awesome when your on drugs, more specifically exctacy

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