Survey: Americans don't know much about religion - Yahoo! News okay, so you've gotta be freakin kidding me with this. sorry if anyones offended but i've been saying it for a while and this just proves it, religious people are morons. when you base your entire life off of something and you try and use that something to dictate not just how you live but others, you better remember the stupid shit you made up to pedal this crap in the first place. Edit: the titles a little much but i'm kinda disgusted
one day, religion will be a joke. a really unfunny joke, that is holding human potential back because, of some creator, demanding worship and praise gods, basically jesus vs. muhammad. both of them are wrong. jesus believed he was god and it got him killed in a painful way, i dont know about islam and i dont care. religion is the most evil thing that exists. it brainwashes kids who dont know better and believe the bible stories and talking snakes to be true. relieve the world of religion. if you want a religion, then go worship the sun and water, thank it for your life, thank the universe for your conscious. and remember when brainwashing, that to remains on your conscious so keep preaching lies or make use of a church for something better then reading a 1k page book over and over and over and over, how much can you really learn from just 1 book?
Saying that all religious people are stupid is pretty religious of you. Now while not every religious person makes good arguments for their beliefs, or even understands what they believe in, doesn't mean every religious person is stupid. So i assume you choose science as the main way to discover the "answers" can you even begin to explain 1% of the science done to prove 1% of anything you whats so bad about people not completely understanding the religion they believe in...Whatever floats your fucking boat is what I say man... Don't generalize someone because they believe something different....Hitler did that shit
difference is, hitler actually did, i'm not just using him as a reference in some unrelated conversation hahaha, such a funny law of internet convo tho.... Atleast i used it in a thread claiming that religious people are dumb as hitler claimed the jews and many other people were dumb... I tried to stay on topic hehehehe
No. No buffet. But they do have light meal. Usually some sort of soup. VERY DELICIOUS. Worth the boredom I just suffered for the last couple of hours.
Welcome to one day. If you don't believe in the theory of evolution you stop yourself from evolving which is why a lot of religious people are ignorant. All this accept Jesus as your saviour and go to heaven shit is nonsense, but if you read through the bible you will pick up some valuable info. The bible is a very powerful tool to control weak people who have no direction in life, or it can teach people to live together and respect one another. Unfortunately we live in a society that profits off misery and control and religion is a reflection of that.
So if i don't believe in gravity ill just float away???? lol i disagree with your evolution argument but i agree the bible is filled with a lot of nonsense, and a lot of handy every day moral stories, but i don't think everyone who believes in it, is stupid lol
No what I meant was that if you use only the bible to teach you everything you know about life, you will not learn from life itself. You will ignore everything people tell you because it disagrees with the bible, and that makes a person very ignorant and seem very stupid to people who accept things with an open mind. I also disagree that religious people are stupid, just unevolved. I should say a lot of religious people instead of all. I have met some very cool people who also happen to follow religion, but unfortunately I met a lot more ignorant religious people. So I guess I'll generalise to like 75%, that's a fair number.
i get that the title is fitting for the thread...... and i did see that article earlier... but can we get the title changed to something a bit less negative? i mean it does kinda scream "insult" and we do have our religious members.... that being said....i can often stump any one from any religion with questions about the bible....or their practices..... many of them(not all) have no idea why they(their church) do/does the things they do.... shit ...almost none of them can answer me the simplest of questions..... when the disciples asked Jesus where their church would be....what was his answer? once they admit they dont know....i explain it to them..and how the shit they are doing does not even resemble what the book they are supposedly following dont say shit about most of what they do.... shit once apon a time i was having bible class every weekend with the jahovas.....they came and i asked them some questions and told them some things.....and they came every weekend with someone new to meet i could teach them more....
How else do people fly man? You just have to believe! Obviously if you don't really believe it won't happen... duh!
You figured it out. Congratulations you're smarter. What makes you think that you can talk down to people I mean who are you man? Another disgruntled speck. :'(
All stoners become heroin addicts and child molesters. A few have, so that must mean all of them are, right? Just going with the OP's thought processes. Generalizations are bad...M'kay?
don't try and nit pick here, its pretty obvious what type of religious people i feel are the morons, unless you didn't read the actual article. you cant deny that this is absolutely absurd, arguing against this is just arguing for argument's sake. you know why aethiests know more about religion? because anyone who learns enough about a religion realizes its absolutely nutty and stops being religious.