relationship troubled people

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by stungun, Aug 22, 2008.

  1. whats ur is opion on trying to move from the friend zone


    theres this girl who is one of my best friends and we hang out alotand its always fun

    and thats so perfect she smoeks too so i dont have to worry bout thatid love to be with her more then a friend but i wouldn't want to ruin what we have cause its awsome

    side note have any of u guys wonderd if your best friend was a really hot chick
    would you marry them no homo
    like my best friend i see like 20+ hours a week what eve rthis is gettin too gay
  2. Lately i just cant make a move, i used to get every girl i wanted when i still had long hair because i didnt even have to try they just all felt the long hair. Then i got my hair lined up and now i actually gotta make an effort haha. Well i started growin the hair out again, the vagina meter is beginning to rise once again.

    EDIT: Ey stungun, im in a similar situation. Theres this girl that ive been real good friends with since i was in like the 7th grade, the thing is im not even in the friend zone with her, we have ALWAYS had a thing for each other its just that we have known each other so long its just awkward to make a move. PS. SHE GOT REALLY HOTT REALLY FAST
  3. i can never manage to start relationships, i'm pretty distant with new people and i never know how to aproach chicks, so any girls i'm around eventually just think i'm just an asshole or some kind of creep.

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