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rehab for marijuana?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Tburton95, Mar 16, 2012.

  1. That's some stupid shit.
  2. "have you ever sucked some dick for marinuana? I suck dick for coke, you ever sucked some dick for marijuana?". "no i cant say i have"
  3. If it exists then its def some churching going,pill popping hypocrite trying to make that cash with soccer moms/cops making them go, not because they want "help"

    If I'm "addicted" then I. Happy with that since my meeds actually gtg me through the day . Mad respect no bullshit. I don't need to write a novel explaining since everyone that actually respects and knows cannabis, will always know that it's a wonderful herb :)
  4. That was a weird way of proving my point... but it did
  5. Lol that dumb bitch from teen mom hahahah stupid bitchhhh
  6. Why are you all bashing it? It is something some people need because it consumes their life. It has nothing to do with it being physically addictive, it has to do with like I said it consuming one's life where it is all they want to do and all they do, forgetting responsiblities and obligations to pursue getting high.
  7. I looked up the Marijuana Anonymous meetings in my area - hilarious, a 12-step program to quitting herb. There was one that met in a church called "Keep off the Grass."
  8. Yea my dad wanted me to go to a drug counsellor for my "marijuana addiction", i actually called and left a message but then I snapped out of it and decided to take a t-break and cut back, and here I am fine. No need for rehab
  9. Same as rehab for chocolate
  10. Been there, done that.
    Wasn't stupid either.
    Had a choice- 3 years in jail, or 1 month in rehab followed by intensive outpatient.
    did that.
    went to inpatient for weed, again to trade 1 month of rehab for 2-6 months of jail.
    Everytime I've gone it's been court ordered.
    Rather sit in rehab for a month than behind bars for years.
    not so stupid.
  11. reminds me of the movie puff puff pass when they go to rehab so they can watch "the shank" on TV since they got evicted. shit was funny they just smoked weed out back lol.
  12. [quote name='"bp4er"']Been there, done that.
    Wasn't stupid either.
    Had a choice- 3 years in jail, or 1 month in rehab followed by intensive outpatient.
    did that.
    went to inpatient for weed, again to trade 1 month of rehab for 2-6 months of jail.
    Everytime I've gone it's been court ordered.
    Rather sit in rehab for a month than behind bars for years.
    not so stupid.[/quote]

    This is why more kids are in rehab for MJ.... given the choice of Rehab or jail which do you think they choose?

    Most people don't need rehab but there are a few that it does take over their lives, but I'm aiming to bet there is more than just marijuana to blame for that

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