reflective surfaces

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by immapwner, Dec 18, 2008.

  1. Ok so I was thinking about what could be used for a reflective surface.
    Would these work?

    White trashbag stapled to the walls
    White computer paper stapled to the walls
    Cd's reflective side out taped to the walls.

    What do you guys think.
    I'm just trying to sue stuff I have around the house.
  2. I think you're better off just getting some white paint and painting your cabinet or wherever you're growing.
  3. Well the CD's obviously wouldn't cover optimal space.

    I've heard that aluminum/tin foil is not perfectly flat, therefore creating hot and cold spots.

    Mylar is usually recommended, which is a shiny material that doesn't crumple like aluminum foil and comes on a roll.

    I have heard of people saying white paint reflects more light then aluminum foil. So its your choice. Foil/white pait
  4. Yea but would computer paper/trash bag work the same way?
  5. Anything flat white. Paint and or shower curtains. Flat white will reflect more light back then gloss white. Reflective mylar. Cheap unframed glass easily cleaned with windex, reflective mylar 3-5mills thick.

  6. Yes, out of all of your options, white computer paper would be the best bet.

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