The main stems are still green, although I can see signs of change, but some of the leaf stems near the top are showing reddening. I'm wondering if this is a nitrogen deficiency even though they've been well fed. They're not vegging anymore and have been under red CFL lights (500w) on a 12/12 cycle for the last week. Temperature is around 75-78. 40% humidity. Ventilated and fanned. Himalyan Gold indica is the variety. The rest looks fine, leaves, etc, growing well, and looking healthy. Is this something I need to be worried about? here are some pics:
Nothing to worry about. Your plants look completely healthy - lush green growth and no yellowing or necrosis - so it's almost definitely just a genetic trait. Many plants have red or purple petioles or striping on the stems. It's just the genes. EDIT to add: If it were a nitrogen deficiency, it would show in the lower, older leaves first as a gradual yellowing of the entire leaf.
Thanks for that. There has been a little necrosis on the lower leaves - don't know if the pic shows that clearly, but certainly nothing from the middle up. Does that change your opinion at all?
I see one tiny spot on one leaf in one picture. I definitely wouldn't worry. I don't even worry when the bottom 1/3 of the large, old fan leaves start to die. As long as the buds and the top are green and healthy, it's normal for the lower leaves to die off. Now, if it continually travels up and starts affecting the top of the plant, or the top of the plant is showing problems but the bottom isn't, that is something to worry about. As far as your plants go, they look completely fine. Even if the bottom couple of leaves start dying, they're still completely healthy.