What type of medium; soil or hydro? SOIL What strain? GDP How old are the plants? 1.5 MONTHS What type of lights and how many watts? 600 HPS How far from the lights? 20 INCHES What is your watering frequency and source of water? 2/WEEK. 150 PPM TAP WATER. 6.7 PH What, how much and when was it fed? NPK? Every watering 1/4 teaspoon Jacks Classic Plant used to be beautiful. Then the top leaves went yellow. The yellowing has slowing continued down plant. New leaves are much more green than the yellow leaves though. The underside of yellow leaves are red?
Test the pH of your soil asap. You're also watering a bit too often, but that isn't the main problem. Wet the soil all the way through at each watering and then wait for about the top quarter of the soil to be completely bone dry before watering again. Does the plant droop after waterings?