Red Dead Redemption 2

Discussion in 'Gamer's Heartbeat' started by MikeyMike87, Sep 25, 2018.

  1. That pickpocket is happens to everyone going into St. Denise
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  2. Well I've played online for 25 hours so far lol, everyone seems to have settled down in the game now i haven't had anyone kill me unless I've shot first..

    People seem to be more interested in making money tbh I've been to the butchers to sell shit when there's been a gang there.. none of them did anything but wave at me :laughing::laughing:

    I also got the bow & arrow last night I wish I'd of got it earlier because you get better skins/meat if you kill an animal with it :bang::laughing:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. Yeah noticing the same thing. Everyone is fishing and hunting. Can't wait for more things to do. People forget it's only been out 2 weeks and just a beta.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. legit smoke
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. So up until last night, I had only been killed one single time by one lone griefer. Last night was totally different. Kept running into these guys over and over, finally just said fuck it and took a break. Then a buddy called and I jumped back on. Ok for the most part but we were playing super careful and taking routes around players. We got directly chased at one point but were able to defend ourselves.

    Wish there was some way to just hunt and not have to worry about these guys but I’m sure R* doesn’t plan to change this. The old model “Oh, griefers preventing you from making a buck and you can’t buy that shiny new gun or badass horse? Just buy our newly released shark cards!” Makes sense really, good business hustle on their behalf.

    Not to be bitching, loving this game. I just have a lot of fun relaxing and hunting/fishing, kinda ruins the vibe getting shot up when I’m being passive minding my own business.

    You blades have any strats for this?
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  7. I've been hunting/fishing most of the time I've been on red dead for the last few weeks, to avoid other people check the map & see where everyone is then pick somewhere where there's no one you'll get the odd person some past but they don't usually shoot

    If you haven't already buy all the lures for fishing you get $7+ for each of the medium/big fish, I used the gold to buy them because I wasn't the rank you need to be lol
  8. If there's something you want online but have to be a certain rank you can pay with the gold bars & it'll let you have it
  9. I also think once the beta is over they'll add in private sessions just like on GTA online so you can play with friends/solo without having to worry about other players
  10. I gotta say even with all the rockstar greediness i still love both the story mode and multiplayer, (not the best player at all) but im just a red dead fan all around,
    • Winner Winner x 1
  11. Yep fuck Micah and Dutch lol
    • Funny Funny x 1
  12. Just went out and hunted about 60 bucks worth of animal parts. Decided I’d do one more run before hopping off for a bit, was just about ready to cash out again, got a disconnection error upon slaying a group of 6 deer on my way back to town.

    Yeahhhh that break came a little earlier than expected fml lol
  13. I am doing this "glitch" now and it works like a charm. I am getting at least 5 to 10 fish per minute with no reeling them in lol

  14. ^ Lol idk why but that guy seems like such a douche. Good strat tho.

    Woke up and hustled like $120 hunting again today, no disconnections. Also one nice method I like right now is going into a series event, and just letting the game play out when I don’t feel like playing. You get kicked for idling after like 5 minutes so I just turn my controller over and let it wander while I do shit on my phone or whatever. Even if you come in last with no kills and hella deaths I’ve found I still get .08 gold (same as 1st placers as far as I know) anywhere from 6-18 dollars and decent xp; all in usually less than 7 minutes. My teammates surely hate me but I really don’t give a fuck - shit I’m an outlaw after all anyways, right? Already made a couple bars just doing that when I’m not even playing, hell, getting paid as I type this lol.
  15. For whatever reason being a douche seems to be a critical component for becoming a successful video game streamer. Most of them are annoying to listen to in my opinion.

    The strategy definitely worked well. The spot I used was just north of Blackwater. There were 5 or 6 different species of fish that would come up and die in that location. I was maxing out the amount for each one, then shooting extras with an arrow because it then places them in a separate slot to be maxed out. With the fish and harvesting deer while traveling back and forth I was getting around $100 per trip.
  16. Only with certain items. For example, I tried to buy an Arabian horse but it still will not let me until I reach rank 66 even though I have more than enough gold bars.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  17. While it isn't really a private session, I seem to be getting left alone in sessions quite often. It seems like once everyone leaves the session, new people aren't being added. So if I stay in one for a few hours, I end up by myself.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  18. I'm a gta tryhard, but just got sent to bad sport for 8 months so now I'm getting RDO.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  19. Lmao 8 months??! I'd sell the game fuck being stuck with other turds lol, you can't even play with friends because of it fuck GTA lol

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