Red Cherry Berry, MasterKush and The Church

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by shurbuzzd, Jan 19, 2010.

  1. High Ya'all,
    Been awhile since I've posted anything and had a few things on my mind.
    I'm finishing up my first grow from bag seed. and didn't do too bad.(still have a few weeks to go til' harvest) I only ended up w/ 2 females from my original 5 started in soil, luckily the one I chose to put in my Bubble Bucket was female (you have no idea how glad I was.).My experiment defintely showed that the BB w/A&N nutes and Led light plant really took off.(3-4x bigger than the potted plants):cool:
    For my next experiment I got off the dough and got some beans coming soon, I hope; along with some more A&N add-ons for Blooming.
    Not sure which strain to try first?
    I'm concerned about the smell as I don't have any way to vent.If they're too skunky they'll have to wait for the weather.
    The beans I've got coming are The Church, Red Cherry Berry and Master Kush. I'm looking forard to trying each of these strains out as in 30+yr.s of smoking I've never encountered these types of high quality plants. Always bought what ever was available(MIDS) avg $40-50 a qtr.
    Anyway, I look forward to your input as to which you think might be the best to start with. Planning on using my BB w/ A&N nutes and UFO light, may even make a couple more buckets to use with the CFL's.
    It' buzzthirty somewhere or is that 4:20 .:smoking:

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