Red Blotch

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by xoxo4200, Aug 6, 2019.

  1. Hiya everyone!

    I just moved my plant outdoors, and I’ve seen the a redness in petioles and a red blotch on one of the leaves. Im just wondering if this is normal or a possible phosphorus deficiency. It’s in vegetative, so I’m not entirely its a P deficiency.


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  2. looks ok mate ..but when you pot up in to larger pot add some perlite to you soil/potting soil mix ,,its great .helps with drainage and over watering add around 30% perlite to 70% potting soil mix,,mac,,

  3. What kind of soil would you suggest, I have used fox farm Aquatic mix in the past, but I want to find a plain soil i can mix myself
  4. Pro-Mix BX is an excellent base.
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