
Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by JakeThaGent, May 29, 2020.

  1. Here's your daily dose of philosophy:

    Be as irreverent as possible in your attitude towards humanity and you won't be far from being correct

    Any way, I live Philosophy so here I R

    Please talk to your friends and family. I shit you not. Email family members. Post on FB

    Make sure there is a receptacle to put recyclables into as humans cannot recycle without having a can to put them into


    Sent from my [Messenger Fox] using a note in it's collar
  2. I hate and refuse to use Facebook.

    But - what is REALLY happening to all of the items you believe you are recycling?

    Is what we're recycling actually getting recycled?

    Is This the End of Recycling?

    'Plastic recycling is a myth': what really happens to your rubbish?

    The US Recycling System Is Garbage

    How much plastic actually gets recycled? | Live Science

    The Era Of Easy Recycling May Be Coming To An End

    Do Plastic Water Bottles REALLY get Recycled?

    I could go on...


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