Recurring Feelings

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by JaKha, Nov 13, 2010.

  1. Everytime I smoke I keep getting these crazy what if scenarios where I picture myself throwing my life away. Just completely dropping all of my plans for the future and doing something completely different.

    I might be thinking this because I'm 18 in my Senior Year and am scared of the future or maybe I am realizing that I could screw my life up so bad in 30 minutes and theres no start overs. Has anyone had these deep realizations while smoking the herb.

    Sorry if this is already a thread, wrong section, etc. Or this is just some recurring feeling after smoking.
  2. I've had similar things like that happen, I think. Like sometimes I'll smoke and freak out thinking about the future, and for some reason while high, it feels like there's no time and there's no way to stop something horrible from happening down the road, like becoming homeless or something. It's a really scary thought. And we wouldn't have to have those thoughts if it weren't for capitalism. It's a very cold and dark world when you think about it. It's you against everyone it seems. Because everyone is just doing the same thing; trying to get more money, which is terrible.

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