Recreational Sleep Deprivation...

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by LulzMaximus, Mar 28, 2012.

  1. That's some retarded shit- man my job an life only allows me 4 hours sleep a day or less, I would love to get to sleep in.
    Tryin to get fucked up by sleep deprivation? What are you? Mormon? Go eat some shrooms like a normal person - yeesh
  2. Over the last few months I went from sleeping 12+ hours a day to 2-3 if I'm lucky. Ive noticed that I cant think as clearly and have trouble concentrating. Its really starting to take its toll on me. most nights I just lie in bed. This is hell I don't know why anyone would do this shit on purpose.
  3. when i pull all nighters, i feels weird the next day. i have never done more than one night. i usually blank out or doze off. similar to what people describe the sleepy part of xanax.
  4. yeah me and my buddys do this all the time, and whoever falls asleep gets a carrot up their ass ...:cool:
  5. I get sleep deprivation all the time, but it's not really on purpose, it makes me get depersonilization or derealization, it does feel weird, and for me I tend to do alot of deep philosiphical thinking when I get a little sleep deprived
  6. How about you stop eating ?
  7. fuck that. i love my sleep.

  8. Uh, so you don't see a difference between getting fucked up of weed and getting fucked up off lack of sleep? You seem young and need to read up a little bit on sleep and weed. One is healthy and prevents certain health defects. The other is a biological need similar to food, water, or sex. Also, I think sleep and the hallucinagenic effects it produces (aka dreams) are a much better way to see things from a different perspective while still having beneficial effects on your health. Lord knows I ain't the most healthy motherfucker on Earth, but if I get fucked up it's on top of giving my body everything it needs to function.
  9. I've been up for 37 hours now , I had an early flight and just didn't go to bed .

    no hallucinations , just exhaustion .

  10. actually not a bad idea to do for a while
  11. Brings me back to the good old days of being in the Working 2 on 2 off was always fun. I can't believe the amount of responsibility (not to mention guns) we were given while basically tripping out from sleep dep, plus psychosis from tons of uppers like Yellow Jackets. Fun!
  12. Doesn't sound like fun to me I'd rather just smoke weed and get drunk to feel fucked up

  13. Fasting is horrible for you.
  14. The thing about me is i love to be tired. It just gets me so relaxed and calms me down.
    Once i slept 4 hours a night, spent that day fine and didnt sleep at all the next night. I went to school the next morning and it actually felt good. I was wide eyed as opposed to sleepy and my annoying teacher didn't annoy me at all.
    I sometimes go without sleep,,, i like the experience
  15. i have this weird insomnia issue that comes and goes as it pleases, but not when i smoke.
    im not smoking right now tho. 04:15 am and still up, usually go to sleep at this time in the last week, but now i read this i remember i used to do it all the time as a kid, and actually staying up 2 days gets my sleeping cycle better, by the time its 10 pm ill be sleepy hopefully.
  16. one time a while back i stayed up playing an online game for about 3 days straight a whole weekend. my elbow was sore from having it on the desk so long and i was eating sugar and pop to help me stay awake. i got so much shet done in that game though lol. and when i finally did try to go to sleep i tried to watch tv to help and the channel guide was changed so that tripped me out for a while.
  17. I get that you want to do this so you can feel differently, but it's not very good for your body.

    Sleep is where you allow your brain, muscles, heart, stomach, etc etc to recharge and heal from the constant wear and tears they go through. By not allowing your body to do that, your basically forcing your body to constantly run without a break.

    Imagine a car engine running on old oil, it'll ruin the car eventually. Sleep is your body's way of getting renewed and energized "oil" for the things that will come at you in the future.

    Do what you want, cause it's not my life to live. But it looks to be a dangerous activity if you choose to let it get out of control.
  18. I like sleep far too much to participate in this.

    Have fun, though. :cool:
  19. I wish I could do this for fun. I'm pretty sure I have insomnia, but it's self diagnosed so who knows. Most of the time I stay up for about two days before I even feel like sleeping, if I've got shit to do it's longer. I made it 5 days once, I try to avoid getting back to that point.
  20. Haha! Recreation sleep deprivation? You people sound like your 12.

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