Recommended nutes for SS#4

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by TOKRFRED, Sep 13, 2017.

  1. Hey blades,

    I'm about to start a new grow using a soiless medium (Sunshine Mix #4) and im wondering what people would recommend for bottle nutes?

    I have added extra perlite and some dolomite lime into my mix and am using plain SS#4 for my seedlings.

    I care more about quality than quantity and have a couple ideas what to use. Just trying to get some different opinions.

    Thanks everyone!
  2. Nutes are just plant food. As long as you understand the nutritional needs of the plant, what name is on the label is of no consequence. Do some reading up on what the plant needs during the different stages of it's life to use nutes to your advantage. They are not the determiner of growth rate or production. Light is the element that handles that aspect of things. Too many put too much faith in nutes not understanding that without sufficient light, you'll never get the buds you want. Lots of pieces to the puzzle in the beginning for everybody. But like most anything, the more effort you put into it, the better outcome you'll get. You can go as deep as you want in this field. It's amazing what they know about the plant and growing it now. Been growing seriously for about 5 yrs now and still haven't scratched the surface of what is there to learn. Best of luck with yours!! TWW
    • Agree Agree x 1

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