Hello GC Community, I want to start a (hopefully) more concise list of external gardening publications, specifically hard-copy books, and more spuriously pdf e-books and informative articles/journals. The intention of creating this thread is that it be used as a literature reference guide, ergo less as a forum of debate or discussion. Please, kindly provide a brief explanation of the book or link for ease of access. I'll contribute one that should fit the bill: The Rodale Book of Composting - A reliable and complete guide to all types of composting, spanning scales small and large. Good illustrations and diagrams of various composting systems. GC template for linking: [url*=yourLINKhere]yourTEXThere[/url*] [url*=http://forum.grasscity.com]Grasscity.com Forums[/url*] ^^^remove the asterisks and it becomes: Grasscity.com Forums Cheers!
lol I have about 100 downloaded books when I get time I will post some info where to get them from dont think I'm aloud to post links to download sites but will give some info
Those are some pdf i had saved in my bookmarks I will try hook you guys up some of the books i have too when I get time hopefully those will keep ya going for a while
Thank you very much. The free exchange of information in this community always amazes me. Much credit to those who blazed the trail before me, lol.
I would suggest the magazine Organic Gardening. It's a great mag with lots amazing articles! They also have books and DVD's on the website! Organicgardening.com
For reference and the archives. Don't get me wrong your thread is bad ass. Just trying to get something slightly more concise.
Found this majestic link within Haggard's thread, figured I'd share it here also: 100+ SUSTAINABLE-LIVING E-BOOKS The site is a free subscription, all you need is a name, real or fake, and a valid e-mail address. ^^^Link also includes info on rabbitry, dogs, poultry, and tons of DIY.
You can find this book on amazon for like 12 bucks it is a must have. Teaming With Microbes. http://teamingwithmicrobes.com/home/
Or go on google and type in "teaming with microbes free torrent" and get it for free.... And soohagard I posted the link to your thread in the second post great thread btw
LD dropped this from Scribd.com, which is by and large online viewing only. Uploading it here for the community. GLGC -Trik Comfrey: Past, Present, and Future - Lawrence D. Hills