I'm looking around and doing some exploring for a small water bong. It would be for mostly home/car stealth sessions and occasional outings. Just wanting to reach out to you all here and see what recommendations and or experience you'd have for me to check out. Thanks for your suggestions in advance guys
I'd recommend a showerhead bubbler. I use a Hedman Headies showerhead bubbler and enjoy it very much. A showerhead will be more durable than multiarms for portable use. Google showerhead bubbler and you should find many available options.
Well I don't imagine that I will be the only to make this suggestion but, I would look at a travel tube from SSFG. They are 60$ and you can get a beaker or straight. An extra 15$ and you can order it with a showerhead diffuser. I have one of their beakers with the showerhead and I take it pretty much everywhere, its great!