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recommend me some movies

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by underoath31791, Jan 27, 2010.

  1. here are some of my favorite movies to watch when im high

    donnie darko
    fear and loathing in las vegas
    requim for a dream
    american beauty
    fight club
    dark city
    district 9
    the lovely bones

    based on this list, what are some movies you think i would like to watch blazed?

  2. Across the Universe.
  3. Blow
    American History X
    Super High Me
    Super Troopers
  4. Fifth Element.

    Curious case of benjamin button.

    The time machine.

    Back to the future.


    Pineapple express, of course.
  5. inglorius bastards
  6. i watched crank high voltage stoned and that movie is actually really trippy, like he turns into this big gozilla like person in one part. I was like am i really waching this?lol
  7. The Boondock Saints, The Matrix, Team America: World Police, a concert video of your favorite band (or a Pink Floyd concert video...trippy shit)...
  8. Spread. (look it up. F*cking awesome!)

    American Psycho. (stay high for this one, it's gets better with a twist)



    Yeah Right! (this one is skateboarding movie, but has amazing filming)
  9. OH and you have to see rocknrolla, given your selection.
  10. Totally baked
    Half Baked
    Pineapple express
    i love you man
    ugly truth

  11. hahaha me and my buddy watched that like last week and i was thinking the same thing in that seen. definitely a badass movie.

    grandmas boy, 300, avatar i thought was pretty awesome but it gets mixed reviews

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