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Reclaim caps?

Discussion in 'Concentrate Tools' started by YoShytsWeak, Nov 6, 2014.

  1. #1 YoShytsWeak, Nov 6, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 6, 2014
    So I want to try to make capsules with my reclaim so I'm not just pouring it out. Idk why I didn't do this before lol.

    I read somewhere on here to do it with coco butter or something like that. What's the best method for this to getting some good caps?

    I should add that I don't really mess with edibles and my experience is not feeling it, or a fucking OD lol

    Well Idk if that's the bets wording for it. I got really dizzy then threw up a bunch, then past out for 16-17 hour (this actually has happened a few times).

    So the real question is how do I make caps that will get me high but not fuck me over? What's the best fat or oil to do it with, what claim: oil/fat should I have? And where do I buy caps?

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  2. I have heard that a good amount of reclaim per capsule is .2 each and that the best thing to mix it in with it coconut oil because it helps your body absorb it in some scientific way. You can buy empty capsules at a vitamin shop. And I'm sure they're cheap online. As for a ratio coconut oil:reclaim I'm not positive. Just divide it up into however many doses give you .2 of reclaim each. Or more. Whatever you decide. Experimenting is the fun part of edibles ;)

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  3. #3 Jimmy Carter, Nov 6, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 6, 2014
    .2 is actually pretty strong per cap, if edibles fuck you up.
    I save up my alcohol/claim mixture in a leftover iso bottle and evap/purge it once I have a good amount. after some intense purging I like to mix it around 10:1 coconut oil:reclaim. I'll also add a teaspoon or so of sunflower lecithin per 1/2 cup of oil. start out with a weaker mix like 20:1 or something so you dont over-do it.
  4. Jimmy hit it on the head. Exact way I make mine and a .2 is fucking strong. I made .2 caps since I havr a decent tolerance. Everyone I gavr a .2 cap to was fucked up beyond belief off just 1
  5. #5 YoShytsWeak, Nov 6, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 6, 2014
    Haha a .2 would kill me lol, I'll try 20:1 mix for my caps, looks like I got around 5gs of claim so I wonder how May caps this would make.

    What the best way of cooking it into the oil?

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  6. I just put the errl at the bottom of a pyrex measuring cup and add the coconut oil and lecithin. pop it in the oven at 200 or so and mix it up until its fully dissolved. I guess you could do it on a water bath on your stove so its easier to stir. I just use a toaster oven, works fine.
  7. thank man, I'll probably wait till I have a couple more grams of claim.

    I read what you said about winterizing it cause if all the nasty shit, I just used a coffee filter to strain out the claim before evap. Should I redo solve them?

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  8. no you should be fine, what I do is probably unnecessary but I do it just to be safe. you should actually be able to make a decent amount of caps with that 5g, if you dosed it out at .1g per cap then thats 50 caps, strong caps too.
  9. I might do it just to be on the safe side as well

    I charge my lazy ass cuzzin $5 to clean his rig and my uncle too, so i have a lot of reclaim in a short amount of time I'm just saving it till I can make like 100 caps all at once.

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  10. I have a buddy who dabs more than I do, he collects/buys/sells Toros and stuff. He saves his alcohol from cleaning his rigs and I process it into caps along with my claim and we split it. I'm actually about to be doing it pretty soon again.
  11. I have around 15-20 grams of saved up reclaim I used with 91% ISO (highest grade ISO in the area I could get).  It's definitley fully evaporated, as I've left the ISO reclaim solution in a pyrex dish for at least a month.  Should I put the pyrex dish in the vac oven and take out some of the pressure to get all of the ISO out, or is just heating the solution at 200*F with the mixture of coconut oil enough? Thanks a lot.
  12. #12 Jimmy Carter, Jun 14, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 14, 2015
    yes you should purge it a little further to be safe. what I like to do in situations like that is whip the shit out of it and then vac it, the whipping will cause a lot of air to be trapped and it will get ripped through it in the vac. then after the bubbles have stopped, i take it out and do it again. do that at like 120 degrees a few times and it should be good.
    I know it seems like it should all be out at that point but I dont think it is. I had some stuff like that and it kinda burned when I ate it, after doing that whip/vac tech a handful of times it got noticeably better.
  13. Thanks a ton for all the advice.  I'll be making the capsules in a few days! I just had one really dumb question but is it okay to put pyrex in the vacuum oven with negative pressure or would the pyrex blow up or something? Sorry if this is a dumb question or if it's been asked before.  
  14. lol no pyrex is fine under vac [​IMG]
  15. claim should not be eaten. first off its a health disaster. second of all there are minimal cannabinoids in it.
  16. The article you posted in the other thread disproves this.
  17. Say what now?

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