if i'm trying to run 4 x 5gallon bubble buckets what kind of water pump would i need in my res to recirculate properly?
http://forum.grasscity.com/do-yourself/600352-budslingers-recirculating-bubble-buckets.html its in there
I try to stick to a setup that changes out the buckets at least every 2 minutes (mine are closer to every minute). A good way to figure out what size pump you need is to take the capacity of the buckets (3.5 gal of solution in each * 4 buckets = 14 gal) * 60 / 2 = 420gph pump for a changeout every 2 minutes. double that for once a minute.
I use an eco 185 as reccomended in budslingers sticky. You just need constant water movement to keep your solution moving.
That seems like overkill. I use a 100gph pump with 8 buckets to my rez. It's just enough to keep my plants happy
That overkill means i can run my res right up into 80*+ temps with no issues of slime. Faster circulation feeding from the top keeps the water churning. You ever heard the survival advice about not drinking stagnant or slow moving water? I suppose you wouldn't be aware of that considering that you were posting questions about your first rdwc setup you wanted to build only a month ago....
lol!!! well suppose im running a setup like this .... http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/405/dwcblackbucketsystem.jpg/ i'd have to put in return lines anyway to main res for the water pump to have any effect huh? or could i still put a water pump in a system like this too? cause this one seems a little manual like** =)