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recently disliking the alcohol/weed combination

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by Tastytrichomes, Aug 4, 2012.

  1. i usually drink and smoke. on weekends, because i don't have work and want to get "fucked up" rather than "medicated". so i stuffed a fine whole gram of kush in a joint last night, more than enough for me. i got pretty stoned, but then as i was drinking, it kinda wore down on the high. disappointing. when i started sobering up, i just felt burnt out for hours and couldn't sleep until 6 am... nothing really negative about it but i feel like it defeated the purpose of getting stoned a lot. next time i'll either just drink or just smoke

    oh well, time to light up another joint :smoke:
  2. Don't get me wrong get drunk every once in a while is fun , especially at party or wit some girls ;) but for the most part i say just to stick to smoking. Much healthier, and much better :smoke:
  3. It's hard for me to drink and not smoke something, but too much of either and I get mad spins and that's no fun for anybody.
  4. In my experience, if you drink a lot it tends to overwhelm the marijuana head and you're just basically drunk. It works better to not drink so much and get a better balance between the two.
  5. alcohal def over powers weed. however i still smoke when i drink i just cant help it :p
  6. I smoke while sipping liquor so I've been doing good so far.
  7. Everytime I drink when I'm stoned, I'm vomiting all over haha
  8. i never get the spins because i tend to know my limits fairly well, but feels like, yeah, the alcohol really overpowers the high.
  9. I don't like smoking and alcohol.

    I prefer smoking, no bad side affects, other than the munchies :)

  10. My dad swears the opposite. he says he can drink 6 beers and it doesnt compare to one hit of dank bud from my bong.

    i rarely drink, but when i do i smoke... bong hits and shots... im not a beer person really.
  11. [quote name='"Jumbo"']

    My dad swears the opposite. he says he can drink 6 beers and it doesnt compare to one hit of dank bud from my bong.

    i rarely drink, but when i do i smoke... bong hits and shots... im not a beer person really.[/quote]

    Old people just have a low weed tolerance..I love mixing them
  12. i love toking and drinking,
    but It's the side effects that get me.
  13. It's best to get a little buzz going and then take a few puffs. Smoking a whole joint is a lot when you're drinking. All you need is a few puffs. I used to get mad spins, and I still do if I smoke too much. But I drink a few beers, take a hit and chill some more and drink. Usually 1 hit is all you need from a GB if you're buzzin' pretty hard.
  14. I like to get drunk first and then smoke, I can smoke soo much and it's like there are no bad side effects for me like paranoia or anything
  15. I never liked it, Did it only once...never again.
  16. You're problem is you need to drink then smoke, just don't overdo it and get the spins.
  17. If I drink while I'm smoking it can't be much. But I don't like getting shitfaced anymore. I love sipping a strong beer or two, toke when I get a small buzz then have another beer. But I can't do too much of either if I'm doing both.
  18. Hmmm i liked being cross faded, although it lasted longer...
  19. Im cutting my drinking almost to none this week just for the health factor and dieting. However a blue moon or two on the back porch while a storm rolls in is awesome
  20. Try mixing it with beer only; no hard shit. Its delightful.

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