Recently clipped clones

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by compton, Aug 7, 2012.

  1. ok So i went to fred meyer and got the greenhouse thing that has a heating mat and a dome for my vlipping i took off my plants. but the new leaves on the clones are burning and turning a yellow brown. what could this be from? the excess moisture on the the leave because it stays pretty hummid in the dome. anything helps thinks for looking. pictures will be up soon
  2. I never use heat mats from clones unless its winter where you live :smoke:
  3. They r yellowing and browning cuz its pulling nutes from the leaves to survive. Use clonex solution. It has what the clones need. Just follow the directions
  4. I used clonex solution and I even mixed it in some water and watered them with that

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