well everybody, the title says it all. i have been having this problem, after i germ the seeds in wet paper towels. after the tap root pops, i move it too soil. and the tap root,....pretty much dries up. and they dont grow. what could the cause for this be? am i doing something completly stupid, and obvious that i shouldnt be doing it, or what?
I am a newbie but have germed 5 times as practice for the real deal. I wet my new soil throughly and then let it drain for an hour or so. Then I CAREFULLY drop my germed seed (new tip down) into a 1/2 max deep hole and then sprinkle with fresh soil until covered. I then spray the surface until damp and place a baggie over it and replace it into the same dark warm place that it germinated. I don't water or touch it until it breaks the ground. As soon as it is visible I move it under a light source as close as possible. I spray it for a day or so and then don't touch it for a few days. So far I am 5/5 with this method. Good Luck!
Mist the top of the soil everyday (just a little) and loosely lay a bit of plastic wrap over the top to help keep humid until you see the leaves sprouting up. Be sure to keep in a warm place. Once you see the leaves peeking up through the soil then remove the plastic wrap and turn on the lights.
just don't germinate in a towel. there's no reason you can't just plant directly into the soil a few centimeters down. i usually just poke a hole with my pinky and cover it up, keep it misted so it's always moist and they almost all come up within a few days.