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Recent No Name Pick-Up

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by NowIsB, Feb 3, 2011.

  1. Dub that my dealer fronted to me.

    Not the best I've had but it definitely gets me very blazed. :smoke:



    all stacked on top of each other in my hand :D
  2. Looks like Kush to me
  3. What makes you think this?
  4. Kush has a different look. When you look at Kush they are usually short plants with with dark green leaves. The Nugs are usually small but tight. They also have smells from pine,hash fruity.

  5. Honestly I don't think it's that easy, there's no way you could tell if it was kush or not just from the structure of the bud. Way too many strains are called kush that really aren't already, lets just call it some dank ;):hello:
  6. what ^^^ said, u can only tell kushie strains by taste, that there looks of middies my friend, but good middies, i get some now and again, keep puffn stay green and keep ur mouth shut and ur trap open :cool:

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