really weird shit happening to me.

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by hoboleader, Jul 22, 2011.

  1. i temporarily lost hearing in my right ear for like 5 seconds, as this is happening my internet connection randomly shuts off.

    on top of that ive been having really really strange and terrifying dreams.

    dreams within dreams. (like in inception)

    im not saying there connected, im just saying weird shit has been happening to me. wtf.

    ive been seeing orbs and shit out of the corner of my eye. and it all started after that one dream within a dream.

    Id really just like to go back to a normal life now plz.. ill ask nicely, leave me alone for a few years plz? this is not the time in my life when i wanna be dealing with weird shit like this.

  2. Its all coincidence bro i was like this too for a while i was almost schizo but once u ignore it it goes away
  3. I heard the word falafel for the first time the other day. I heard/saw it about 10 times within three days after. Shits crazy brah.
  4. probably right. I thought i was going schizo for a second there.
  5. Well I mean there's not much I can do for you bro if you don't want to deal with this know. I can schedule you in for next year if you want but that's it.
    Just messing around op but bro this stuff makes me a little paranoid, oh no it's contagious. Maybe you need medical help, it's not a bad thing though bro. Or maybe you have super powers.
  6. Recognize those occurrences as delusions. That's all there is to it.
  7. Just make sure you get some solid a block of 10 hrs....Your brain could be making false connections.
  8. Op, what was the dream about and wasit super vivid? There are cases of premonitions in dreams that will become true.
  9. you have to go deeper.
  10. I had a dream within a dream a couple days ago. Tripped me out like a motherfucker.

  11. same, shits annoying.
  12. You might want to considering going to a doctor, some of these symptoms could be indicative of a serious medical condition.

    It might be worth the expense of a consultation.

  13. Why must we give paper to a man in a white jacket who went to a government controlled university to tell us about our own body?

    OP you are completely fine. Don't waste your time or money on a doctor who will do nothing but give you pills that won't help your health whatsoever.

    You are not "mental" just had an interesting expeience. Read up about dreams and what they are and what they can tell you about yourself. You may be getting a message from a deeper part of you. Explore your consciousness and see what you find. You may be pleasantly suprised :)

    Btw don't be scared or paranoid. Nothing bad or negative is happening to you.

  14. nah im fine now. I think ive been able to shake it off. nothing weird has happened all day.

    its almost like if u give "it" attention, it gets worse and worse. so i stopped before it got worse.
  15. it's weird that people come out of the woodwork around the same time about the same weird shit.

    I've been having some of the same weird shit happening to me when I'm blazed.

    I recently had one of those dreams where you wake up in a dream.. then in another and another. It was like I was fucking trapped lol. Around the fourth time waking up I was like "what the fuck I just want to wake up!" and somehow forced myself awake.
  16. what the fuck is a dream in a dream?

  17. This is

  18. It's an economic system and the paper in a medium of exchange. The man or woman in a white [coat] (or scrubs, or just business casual, or hell, my doc wears Hawaiian shirts when he can get away with it - winter included) has dedicated much of their youth, often at personal financial risk, to acquire the necessary biological, anatomical, pharmaceutical, case study knowledge and clinical experience (plus specialties) - in order to dedicate much of their time treating the injuries and maladies of others who care incapable of doing so. Need I rattle off their accomplishments?

    What does it matter if government regulates the education of doctors? They are often partially employed by the government. In my country, especially so.

    Also - what's the problem with government? It's a collection of your peers who work together to provide services and a system of consensus.

    Because they know a lot more than most of us do about our bodies. Without relying on current medical knowledge, can you tell me how your lymph system works at the biochemical level? Are you capable of performing cardiac surgery? orthopedic surgery? can you diagnosis leukemia? Can you treat it?

    Personally, I can't do any of those things and I DID spend a lot of time in school.

    Doctors can tell me a LOT about my own body.

    How do you know? If these are genuine visual and auditory hallucinations, they could be indicative of something very serious; for all you know he could have a serious form of epilepsy; maybe he has a metastasizing brain tumor, or is experiencing early stroke warning signs.

    This is coming from somebody who comparatively doesn't know much at all about neurological medicine. I do know that profound inexplicable hallucinations are a serious symptom.

    Telling somebody to not see a doctor could literally kill them. I'm not saying you should embrace hypochondria, but you shouldn't have an irrational disinclination to medical consultation.

    Uh, what? Do you really not know how pharmacodynamics work?

    Why did you quote "mental"? I never once said that word, or suggestion mental illness.

    Although your credulity can kill, my friend - be wary.

    If I start feeling numbness in my face and finger tips, and feel an erratic heart beat in my chest -- should I just lay back and try to concentrate on what my dreams were a couple days ago -- or should I call an ambulance?

    How could you possibly know that? This is delusional bullshit. People die from this.

  19. #19 budsmokn420, Jul 23, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 23, 2011
    Lol if you have faith in pharmaceuticals and the government...well than good luck.

    It would take me way too long to explain everything to you lol

    By the way, yes I know how to cure cancer and other deadly diseases. Research a raw vegan diet and you will be surprised...not to mention ORMUS or spiritual healing.
  20. #20 Sam_Spade, Jul 23, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 23, 2011
    I'm just asking you where your absolute rejection comes from. It seems dogmatic and irrational.

    You speak about my government as if it's some kind of evil malevolent entity. My representative lives two streets over from me. I've talked to him numerous times, both as a voter and a neighbor. I see him walking his dogs and on the playground with his young daughter. Believe it or not, he is not out to get me.

    You can get empirical data on the number of lives that pharmaceuticals save. It's not a matter of trusting so nebulous force, it's a matter of evidence. Pharmaceuticals have saved my life before, from biotic infections, to recover and cope with major surgery. Have you never taken anti-biotics before? Do you know nothing about diabetes, HIV, cancer? Have you ever contracted Polio or Smallpox?

    Pharmaceuticals are far from perfect, but I would never suggest abandoning a field of extraordinary science that has saved hundreds of millions (if not billions) of human lives.

    That's a little unfair, I took the time to share my ideas with you, and I do so with care and courtesy. So much for mutual respect, I suppose.

    How can a raw vegan diet stop a metastasizing brain tumor? Can you offer my anything other than anecdote? Because I can offer you personal anecdotes as well that say exactly the opposite.

    Have you ever actually been in an Oncology ward?

    Again, I defy you to show me the clinical numbers compared to traditional cancer treatments. All you'll produce is anecdotes, specious claimants, maybe a handful of poorly documented studies with small sample sizes.

    When you understand how methodological science works; you realize that the real reason these alternative medicines remain alternative, is that they do not work. Large studies with strict controls routinely yield no effect beyond placebo - it's been like this since the early 1970's when this stuff started to enter the mainstream.

    Alternative medicine is alternative, because real medicine works better. ;)

    Again -- this stuff is dangerous, and it kills.

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