Really Strange Dream

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by SativaMan1, Dec 12, 2012.

  1. I just thought I should share this with someone before i forget about it. So last night I was hanging out at a buddies and we were smoking hookah and I was blazing, pretty much normal, nothing special. I end up going to sleep at 3am which is really late for me, i usually end up passing out at around midnight. So I woke up at my buddies and headed home, had some breakfast, got some stuff done around the house, and end up passing out again at about 11:30am. so heres the dream.

    I was with my family and we were staying in some strange house, i dont know where. I remember everything that was happening was sorta strange, nothing bad though just random people were asking me alot of questions, like they were investigating me, animals couldnt take their eyes off me. Just everything around me seemed to be really interested in me. We go back to this house and I take a bath (I always shower) I feel like I'm in there for a long time so I get out and my parents are gone. nowhere to be found. Same with my dogs, everything was gone. Suddenly everything gets really hectic, doorss started opening, cabinets started to open and close by themselves, I get nervous and go out to my car and start driving down the road, but weird shit is going on in my car too, the windows are rolling down and up by themselves, the seatbelt wouldnt fasten...So i decide to go back to whatever house i was at...but when i get there, I notice all my dogs and cats are there, even dogs that had passed away, or other animals I had that had passed away, everything was there, but they couldnt take their eyes off me. I run out the door and they all chase me, even wild animals outside are attracted to me and try to attack me, I am defenseless. I find a shed with a machete in it after running for a long time with all these animals on my tail and I start to defend myself against my own dogs, dogs that i had growing up, and wild animals like bears and buck deer where trying to kill me, I ended up having to dice up my dogs with a machete, everything was really gory and brutal, then my parents pull up to this house we were at and everything goes back to normal, like nothing had ever happend, I'm sitting there terrified covered in blood with the machete, and my parents are asking me weird things like "what have you been doing?" "where are the dogs" and one last weird one "did you enjoy seeing your old dogs that we had to put down?"

    And thats when I woke up, and i had slept for about 4 hours hard. To sum up this dream with my own opinion, the easiest way to explain it is I felt like THE ENTIRE WORLD WAS OUT TO GET ME...this dream has to have some sort of meaning to it.

    well, I'm off to go blaze and go to school, hopefully one of you blades has a second opinion on this weird dream I had...and BTW, I never have nightmares or weird dreams like this, ever.

  2. Maybe uve been feeling stressed? like the world is on ur shoulders
    or maybe u feel like everythings out of control an u have no
    control of the things around u =\ hmm it could mean a lot of things
    If I think of anything else I'll let u know..hope this helps a bit tho
  3. I know exactly, thats sort of what I was thinking, but it just took me by surprise because im a relatively happy person all the time but maybe I am a bit stressed out. And it was also weird because i feel like this is the first "nightmare" ive ever had.
  4. It's fear. Those dogs couldn't have hurt you. You hurt them because you were scared they might hurt you. Did you try petting them?
  5. Some people believe inaltenate dream dimensions or sprit realms

    Dont really know but iv had some wierd dreams
  6. Omg man i had a strange dream too.. I was sleeping and all of a sudden i wake up with this girl i used to chill with, and some other random kid that i met once, it was crazy.. 10 mins later i wake up, lets just say.. it blew my mind

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