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REALLY NEED HELP (drug test will i be ok)

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by rocafella115, Feb 4, 2011.

  1. re-post
    ok i am going to give you all the facts
    -last time i smoked was 21 days ago
    -when i smoked yes it was everyday 2 times a day for like 3-4 weeks missing somedays

    ((((((((((READ THIS)))))))))) yes it was daily BUT not a lot at all as in not even a full bowl pack between both times smoking. like 1 gram would last me a week or more

    -my test is in one day
    -i am overweight
    -on day 6 of not smoking i took a home test and failed
    -on day 18 i took the same test and passed
    -on day 20 i took the same test and passed
    -on day 21 i took the same test and passed

    i know i have to drink a lot of water day of the test piss at much as i can before the test i have b12 and no not too workout the day before or day of test

    like i said i passed 3 at home tests
    what do you guys think will i be ok???????????????????
  2. You should be fine... Make sure to piss as many times as possible before you go, and piss in the cup mid stream...
  3. youre fine. quit freaking out right now.

    chances are youll go and see the same test you passed 3 times.

    youll pass it a 4th no doubt.
    • Like Like x 1
  4. You already passed a test a few times, then you will be fine. There are way to many threads like this :mad:
  5. Quick Fix Urine works every time! I did for 6 months every week. At almost every Head shop.
  6. most start off with "help" meaning theyre in panic. most are.

    and another thing, is that they might search the search bar but feel theyre different because of one little factor from someone elses lol

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