Really Ghetto BB grow

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by blakeshouse, Jan 28, 2010.

  1. I just started using hydro this grow so I am a complete noob at it. This thread will document the trials and tribulations of this first attempt. I had been growing in dirt up to this grow but since moving into my new place in Sept last yr I have been having nothing but trouble with the dirt grows.

    After reading so many logs in DWC I decided to give it a go and see if the problems of the past will remain there.

    I have 3 strains going at the moment, the first pics show the purple kush clone i got a while back from a friend. This I originally put in dirt and it proceded to die quickly so I switched it to hydro. It took off like a rocket for the first couple weeks then started to yellow as the pics show. Pic 3 is a Dutch Passion femed Strawberry Cough and the 4 pic is a dyna fem White Widow. The seed cracked on Jan 7 and were put into 2" grodan cubes, when roots showed thru the bottom they were placed in 3" pots and put into my bubble cloner. In 4 days I had roots thru the 3"pot so they went into the big buckets, still in the 3" pots.

    I am using the Lucas formula for the fert regimin. I had been runnning it at 850 ppm wanting to do the add back way. I noticed that the ppm was skyrocketing after 10 days so I changed the solution to plain water (ph'd to 5.8, and ran that for 24 hrs thinking I may have had salts starting to build already. After 24 hrs the ppm only went up 50 points so I drained again and set the solution to 650 ppm hoping to stop the burn that was developing. The pics are only 30 mins old and the yellowing seems to have slowed a little but still occuring.

    I am planning on weekly pic updates increasing as needed for the situation. The plan also is to veg these for about 2 more weeks then flip the switch, after taking 2 clones from each to set up mothers. The SC and WW were topped today and that is planned to be the only topping of them. The kush was topped 2 weeks ago. I will also use LST to keep the heights as even as possible. I was gonna SCROG this batch but I ran out of funds before I could get a pump to circ the solution from a res.

    I put a thread into sick plants to get help to may my babies pretty green again but any help here is greatly sought and appreciated.

    Now that the long intro is done lets get this show on the road........

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  2. #2 smoove, Jan 28, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 28, 2010
    Good Luck Blake.

    (BTW, you might want to move this to the Grow Journal forum. I bet you'll get more help from the guys over there ;))
  3. Boy do I feel like an idiot. Guess I was stoned when I started this thread here instead of the other forum. Now if someone can tell me if I can jusat move the started thread or do I start over

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