really cool vivid dream i had when i was sick last night....*READ*

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by SpiffyDeezy, Oct 5, 2009.

  1. ok so i was sick 2 weeks ago which sucks and i just got sick randomly out of no where around noon then slept ALL day till the next morning......and during that whole time i had a really really really really wierd dream.....i dont rememmber any of it cept this last part before i woke up

    so i was with a group of 30 people??? i dont know..... and we were crossing this rope and wood bridge...u know .... like the ones in indiana jones and shit where its alll wobbly.....but yeah we smoked before...but i dont remember who "we" were and i just remember walkign over the bridge and admiring the view.....because we were walking over a wobbly bridge like 30,000 feet above the ocean i think it was the pacific ocean .... to the opposite side of the land i could see land !!! HAHAHAHA ..... and i was like omgggg this is so tight...and me being the high one....i was wobblign the bridge and almost falling off and it happened repeatedly and each time my comrades would get helllla mad , shit....then when me and my buddy got off i forgot who it was i was looking into the bushes on the trail and i just saw a little kitten running at full speed and it ran into a tree stump and bounced back and i just stared cracking up so hard....then there was just a miracle spot to a small circle area that was flat....and i can see the crazy ass bridge we crossed and we were watching and this guy i hate fell off and i started cracking up hella again ...... then i woke up

    crazy ass shit............. i wonder why dreams are so vivid and intense when you're sick???
  2. cool dream bro!

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