Real UFOs and disappearances with pics (& share a good story)

Discussion in 'Science and Nature' started by vd420, Jun 2, 2018.

  1. Tangent, what have you seen.... Doesn't have to be elaborate or with pix... lol
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  2. Indeed, with your eyes open to the sky what you may see could change your perspective on things unknown. At times you ask yourself if you saw what you saw or if your senses are just skewed and you've become slightly mad. Trust in your own experiences though as your intuition usually guides you. Some things even get under your skin and shake you to the core.

    I have seen a few things unexplained so far in my short span on this earth that have wavered me to think differently about what I see in the night sky as well. I call it luck as it is something that deeply interests me so I am okay with these occurrences. I have a habit of spotting shooting stars as well, as I always keep my sights on the celestial sphere.

    My favorite was a bright green orb that zoomed by from high up into the sky, down into the canopy of pine trees late one summer night about 2 years ago. I was driving down a back road with the top down on my convertible. I haven't seen anything like it since. Sure was alluring at the time but now eludes me. I've wondered for many moons what exactly it was and if it landed somewhere. As I live deep in the south and these roads pass through vast landscapes. Mostly mountains and forests.
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  3. Dang @vd420. Sorry we hijacked your thread without pics. :laughing:
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  4. Pics or it didn't happen, lol.
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  5. you just have pictures of plaques dude lol. you act like you have photographic evidence of UFO's. chill out.
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  6. Years ago I was at a schoolyard softball game. 3pm- or so. I was watching, not playing.
    I was in my early 20’s, so I was no kid.
    Dozens of people saw it.
    It was a dark black object that seemed to be some distance away or fairly small (hard to tell) but was low in the sky just above the trees and telephone poles in a west to eastern direction.
    The weird thing about it is that it changed shapes as it was heading out of sight.
    It was alternating between round, square, triangular and rectangular shapes. No sound or vapor trail of any kind.
    It was watched by many for several minutes.
    Still wonder about it to this day.

    Then there was the time at night...
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  7. I've seen the orbs a time or two, during the last 20 years or so. Those are hard to talk abut because it's so hard to interprete what you see...My instinct is perhaps an unmanned observation craft? It's shocking when it happens in a crowd I bet..
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  8. Please do elaborate.

    You gave it that oh shit premonition of something odd. I now have to know. :eek:
  9. All I can say for sure is that it was very unidentifiable.
  10. tell us more??? Lol
  11. The nighttime one was while I was driving. Few years back.
    These days l live in the foothills of the Sierras in northern Nevada.
    I am very familiar with the topography of this area, and am aware of the flight paths here.
    I saw a brightly lit object hovering in an area where nothing should (helicopter ect.)
    It too was at a distance. I’ve never had a CE.
    While driving on the fairly lonely highway towards it, it seemed to notice me.
    It shot straight up very quickly then off at an angle and out of sight in an instant.
    Sorta like when you see a fly sitting on your countertop. As you approach it, it takes off so fast, you can’t tell where it went. That’s what this was like. I was not alone in the car either. No substances were used that night.
    Again, my experiences are like many peoples.
    It is what it is..
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  12. Move to pandores box.

  13. Anyone here ever notice how it’s only poor white trash that has claimed they either have seen a UFO or was abducted and probed by aliens.
    • Disagree Disagree x 2
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  14. Pandora's Box.
  15. I look at it like jesus or god if I can’t taste it, feel it, or see it it’s not real.
  16. Red X don’t bother him.
  17. Didn't make this topic so you spam your shit guy.

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  18. I’m not spamming man just stating my opinion on the topic. When was the last time u were probed by a couple dudes in rubber mask
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  19. That name suits you perfect.

    • Funny Funny x 1
  20. I've seen one of those orbs about five or six years ago, it was my second time seeing a ufo in the day, it was a bright silver sphere, at first it was moving erratically side to side heading northeast, then it stopped moving erratically and continued straight on a north eastern path, I also heard no noise from it, it flew right above me, hard to judge the altitude though. I thought I was seeing things at first, I took my sun glasses off, rubbed my eyes, the thing was real.
    My first sighting(also in the day) was like 18 years ago, seen four at once, been looking at the sky ever since, the only other times I've ever seen more ufos was the same week that I seen the orb though, that week(in may) I seen a few ufos at night too(mostly weird red lights). I look at the sky everyday and when it's clear sometimes it can be for hours, you never know what you might see, besides satellites, planes and meteorites.
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