lmao <OBJECT height=350 width=425> <embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/hOMkhqlj4eo" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350"></embed></OBJECT>
LMFAO. Whats with the kid bangin the girl in the first part, erm, through the pants. That was the most rediculous thing I've ever seen. This is what happens when 3-6 starts to go main stream, I remeber back in the day I got called ghetto and a thug for listenin to Three Six, now everyone fuckin' listens to this shit thats been out for years, and all of sudden everyone thinks it's new. Also, I want to shoot that kid in the white in the face, the first kid on the video. Nice find, +rep. -AFD EDIT:// LOL, CRUCHNY BROWN. The guys white, and they call him Crunchy Brown, sad that they are putting Crunchy black down like that though.
Not gonna lie, i actually thought that was pretty decent. Kinda weak how they are always beatin someone up... or humpin that girl... but MJG.... Micheal Jackson's Grandson? That had me rollin
O.K. I think that I saw some yugioh cards on that kids wall. I don't know if they really were but htey look like it. I thought it was aiight... I mean that is kinda funny how triple 6 is blowing up now they been out for years. LOL JOE>