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REAL NY Sour Diesel <> Macros <>

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by NY Purple Haze, Jan 27, 2011.

  1. pictures speak for themselves....:smoke:

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  2. looking for a roommate? haha just jokes but wow sick pickup.
  3. Ill show ya some love good lookin bud, ive tried sd but not as often as other strains I would like to get ahold of a good batch again soon the smell is like a diesely/lemony/cream cheese funk that is delicious
  4. Sour deisel is a really good high
  5. #5 NY Purple Haze, Jan 27, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2011

    thanks brah, yeah this smells real lemony/citrusy, mixed with fuel. i've been seeing alot of sorry excuses for sour diesel on here lately... so i had to rep for the strain... might be an elder hybrid, but it's still a great smoke. :smoke::smoke:
  6. That's some chronic man. I had some diesel a while back that looked very similar. Smoke on.
  7. your threads always amaze, thanks for the porn
  8. yeah thats legit sour d. I can always tell by the shape of the nugs :smoke:
  9. nice pics, i have gotten a couple different phenotypes of sour, i hope i run across this 1 some time!
  10. dank fa sho :smoke:
  11. looks bomb as fuck :wave:
  12. empire state wooo
  13. mmmmm sour D is my favorite tasting strain
  14. i miss real sour diesel. and that looks like some prime stuff! haha way to go! =D

    i have only seen sour d once this winter and it was bogus haha.
  15. there's nothing like fucking dank sativa. i love that Sour Diesel taste too
  16. My ***** Got His Hands On Some Puré

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