real bummed guys my buddys locked up

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by deadhead4-2-0, Jan 30, 2011.

  1. last night at 3 in the morning my buddy sees a guy breaking into his car grabs his .38 goes outside and yells at the guy says the fuck are you doing and he turns and charges straight at him so my buddy shoots him twice in the shoulder cops show up and arrest him hes getting arraigned monday my buddy was defending himself but the law only jams citizens in the ass im so bummed right now guys news report is super vague

    Painesville man arrested following shooting -
  2. The sad thing is that if this happend in texas they never whould have aressted him. We all should have a CLEAR right to defend ourselves. It varys sooo much from state to state. Any fair judge will drop the charges.

    I wish him luck.
  3. "On Monday, he’ll be arraigned on a second-degree felony charge of felonious assault and a fourth-degree misdemeanor charge of discharging a weapon."

    Wow what kind of world are we living in where we do not have the right to defend ourselves or our own property?
  4. Exactly. This is why I hate the human race.
  5. Man that fucking sucks, i don't care if I'm charged but if that happened to me they'd be eating a 3 1/2 inch shell of buckshot from my Remington model 1100 tactical. R.I.P. to whoever is the one aimed at. Best of luck to your friend, hopefully charges are dropped
  6. got hit i the shoulder bro..
  7. wasup ez, he wasnt talkin bout the dude in the article that got popped, he was talkin bout the dude that would get hit with his shotty.
  8. was the gun legal? was it near the mans house? was the thief attacking your friend? those questions determine if we have a massively fucked up world or just a serious of unfortunate events for your buddy
  9. i love all the hardasses in this thread getting all technical and shit about their guns

    'that motherfucker would've gotten 9 millimetres of lead from my Bergmann-Bayard 1903 special addition 9mm Largo tactical with infared full metal jacket optic sights with grip with the full brunt of the muzzle energy which accumulates to 336 foot pounds'

    man shut the fuck up
  10. He'll be fine.... at least he should be. He defended his property, he could have done this without shooting him, and he should have. Next time bring a gun with the safety on in a holster, and a double barrel aluminum bat. lol

    But that sucks, its sad that he is getting in any trouble, to bad the cops didnt just send him off with a warning. (lolol)

  11. Fucking moron, go play some more grand theft auto you loser.Pulling the trigger isnt as easy as it is in video games when it comes down to it.

    Hope your friend get out okay.
  12. man i feel so bad for your buddy. the law is completely ass backwards in this case.
  13. Should have just smashed it into the bridge of his nose instead.

    He can beat the case though, just needs a decent retainer for a good lawyer.
  14. I see 3 problems with the story.

    1) Your friend is in jail...Besides him protecting his own stuff, what happened to innocent until proven guilty?
    2) They call the thief "A shooting victim." He is not a victim, its his fault he was shot. Don't touch someone's shit, dont get blown away.
    3) The theif is getting medical attention why? Let the asshole bleed in the snow. First he tries robbing someone, then he potentially screws up their life, and he is rewarded for it?

    Unless the story is different than what you say, those are the problems I see.
  15. [ame=]YouTube - Ain't That America[/ame]

  16. I totally agree with you bro.

    But given the circumstances, I hope your boy can get off without jail time. If that jackass trying to rob his shit didn't charge at him, your boy wouldn't have had to shoot. Fucker should have ran away when he got busted.
  17. thanks for the good vibes guys hopefully hell be out tommorow was there when it all went down my buddy pointed the gun trying to scare the crack head off but instead he charged straight at him the guy was a huge black guy with no teeth still kinda shakey from the whole mess. all of these details are left out of that super vague article the kinda funny thing was the crack head stole a tin my buddy keeps change in that says saving up for some good weed which he had to write down in the description of the item in the report
  18. Hopefully he gets a lawyer to sort all this mess out. Your buddy should've called the cops and then shot him, too, because from what I've heard whoever calls the cops first is automatically right.

    That was satire thats supposed to prove a small point before someone jumps on me for that last fragment
  19. It's true, I learned that lesson in kindergarten. I cursed, and this kid was like "OHH I'm telling!!!", so I responded "NOT IF I TELL FIRST" and i proceeded to race him to the teacher and we blamed each other, and neither of us got in trouble ;) Being a kid was fun.

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