Real baked made this more my self :P

Discussion in 'The Artist's Corner' started by spleee254, Feb 2, 2011.

  1. What do you guys think... if anybody wants anything im pretty good with photoshop :wave:
    yes i know theres a weird purple line around my name but on the real thing its not like that i just had a bad jpeg conversion

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  2. I could just click "like" but I find that it would be a little impersonal right now. My eyes enjoy this :smoke:
  3. only thing i didnt like about this is that you cant see the text very well. but i agree with Leesh, and i like the way the leaf is colored.
  4. yeah idk why it got so messed up from the jpeg conversion the txt was darker oh well :p
  5. You download the smoke brushes of brushking?

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