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Ready to smoke

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by JeepDrew, Aug 17, 2012.

  1. I was a daily toker for the past 2 years smoking about 3-5 times a day. I quit smoking 35 days ago so I would be able to pass a drug test to get on full time at work. After 2 weeks of not smoking, I started taking 1500mg of the flush free niacin a day for a week straight with drinking nothing but water and greentea. Got on full time, still never heard about taking a test so i switched from the flush free niacin to the regular niacin and was taking 1000mg a day and still drinking water and greentea. Im on day 35 now and ready to smoke again and waiting on to hear about the drug test is driving me nuts. Any advice on what to do? smoke now or hold out alittle longer?
  2. As other co-workers what happened to them. Did they tell you they were going to test you or did you just assume?
  3. You seem to be on track to pass your test. The two years of daily weed smoking has accumulated alot of Thc. I am confident that if you continue this regimen you will pass your test. Also I would replace the green tea with cranberry juice.Remember to use this niacam and to drink alot of fluids prior to the test. You will also want to take some vitamin b-12 before hand as your piss will be very clear and they might detect your piss being diluted. If you have the money to go to the pharmacy and buy an at home drug test and test yourself the day before your work drugtest. If you come up for weed you might want to look into those 1 hour detox drinks. I really hope this is legible I'm high as titts
  4. I signed a concent for the HR manager and already filled out the form to be sent to the hospital for the test. Was told by the HR manager and my supervisor that I was gonna have to take one. Been on full time alomost 3 weeks but havnt been sent yet. My job performance is good and im always on time. I work in shipping and recieving in a chemical plant so i figued it would have been done already.
  5. They take a while. And there is often a designated time of the month when they do testing.
  6. Would a mens one a day vitamin work? I take those everyday. Ive gotta make a trip to head shop this weekend so i will pick up a detox drink and a at home test.

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