Ready for flowering, question..

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by gre123123, Jan 28, 2011.

  1. Hey, I only have CFL's right now. a mix of 2700 and 6500/5500... so far been great, have 6 plants spaced close together. I am wondering about HPS lights. HPS are best for flower right? i used this link and found some (cheap) HPS bulbs. I probably only need a 250w or 400w. What is everything else I need besides just the bulb? I heard of a ballast and things- can anyone outline what else I would need to buy along withh the bulb? thanks!@!!!
  2. ur better off buying the setup alltogether from or they have one on ebya for 150 with the metal halide for veg. but u need the blulb, the hood, the hanging system(which can be rope), the ballast, and if u have heat issues another venting fan. They get MAD hot

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