Ready for a bigger pot?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Blue Sheep, Jan 17, 2010.

  1. 2.5 inches high
    12 leaves
    17 days old
    is this ready to be transplanted out of the foam cup to a 3 gallon pot?
  2. yeah ur plants already vegging so its ready to transplant anytime, make sure ur soil is extremely dry before u transplant, and remember to water it afterward
  3. ok cool
  4. At op, what are those two round looking things at the base of the plant?

    is that some sort of preflower?
  5. Those would be cotyledons (seed leaves). And to the OP, the soil shouldn't be too dry or it will crumble apart when you pull it out of the cup - slightly moist is good.

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