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Read this story... Make you think about life in a whole nother way

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by KiiDCuDii, Oct 1, 2010.

  1. I disagree. I don't think it would be boring at all. If you put into terms pertaining to the way the article was written, God would be having that same conversation over and over. However, he would be having the conversation with billions of different aspects of the same person, or in this case, you. God would be initiating this conversation in a number of different dialects, more languages than we've ever heard. If it's possible, God could be holding conversations with an aspect of you that came from another dimension where none of our human dialects even exist. It's actually kinda trippy when you think about it.

    Whew...I don't think I could have thought all that up if I weren't baked right now. :hippie:
  2. well said
  3. So if there's more then one God, like... "I" said and "You" or the person who died in the car crash, has to go through every aspect of every piece of life before he can comprehend and live with the other "Gods"? Then what's the point of them? Or that's just a normal higher "Real" reality I guess this is saying that you have to go through all those expirences to get into "Heaven"? So to say? That there is a higher reality that we subject to our human minds cannot comprehend yet? Trippy.

    Or I can be just be missing the whole point of the story completely, :smoke:
  4. Not even gonna lie, that story changed my life. I was extremely baked whilst reading this last night, and after i got done reading it i shut my computer off and layed in my bed thinking about life, and how strange it really is.

    (I'm agnostic by the way)

  5. Hahah thats whats up man.. It really just make you think :confused:

    But thanks everyone for the compliments:wave:
  6. “There is no one else,” I said. “In this universe, there's just you and me.”

    You stared blankly at me. “But all the people on earth…”

    “All you. Different incarnations of you.”

    “Wait. I'm everyone!?

    That part literally made my heart jump a beat I'm not gonna lie.
  7. good read

  8. i feel like i got shot in the face with gods golden meatstick and all of the things fell into place...then i realized i was high...but also started thinking about how maybe for all i know, this could be true. maybe...maybe your god op. maybe your trying to tell us stoners the way. u truely mind fucked the shit outta me dude. dont be pullin that shit with me in this kinda mental state man:p
  9. HAHAHAH i kno man shit really gets to specially when your high nukka :smoke:

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