Read this if you want to take better pics with your phone (iPhone and android)

Discussion in 'Picture Post Archive' started by Aqualung, Apr 30, 2016.

  1. #1 Aqualung, Apr 30, 2016
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2016
    Sup blades,
    I was trying to take some close up pictures of my plant with my iPhone 6 and was having a real hard time getting my camera to focus well enough to take a quality picture. After a little searching online I came across an app that lets you take macros without buying any external hardware for your phone. It comes in a free version and a paid version ($2.99 for the iPhone.) I just downloaded the free version to see if it would help and it works incredibly well. Figured I would let you all know about it!
    The app is called Camera plus or Camera +.
    Here's a link for iPhones:

    Camera+ Free by tap tap tap
    Camera+ Free on the App Store

    And here's the link for android users:
    Camera Plus - Android Apps on Google Play

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