Read! Only when stoned...

Discussion in 'Grow Room Design/Setup' started by Vee, Nov 9, 2011.


    A look at the energy use, and related carbon footprint, of indoor cannabis production.
    The research described in this report was conducted and published independently by the author, a long-time energy analyst and Staff Scientist at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, University of California. Scott Zeramby provided valuable insights into technology characteristics, equipment configurations, and market factors that influence energy utilization.1.86Mb .pdf (14p)
    (open link in new window)

    I've post this booklet up here for feedback from the growroom guys, I've read it and it's irritatingly's all about the energy 'we' waste growing MJ, good pics and diagrams, but what really throws me out in conclusion he states.
    The energy required to produce one joint is equal to driving 15 MILES in a car that sucks 44mpg. (p7)
    Have a read, and post your opinions here, the author's smart, and could be doing more for mankind than writing this bummmmfffffff!!!

  2. I'd have to sit down and do some math, but i bet its not super far off... but stopping a few indoor grows is not going to stop global warming...

    you know what would... stop killing animals for food consumption, but i love a good burger....

    so, in closing... I'm gonna smoke my fatty and eat my juicy burger while the earth goes to hell in a hand basket...

    carry on
  3. So suppose we all stopped growing and had to buy our weed from dealers -- what about the energy used to grow and transport our weed? What about the logistics required by the large growers/distributors with extra security operations, overhead for administrative offices, all those people having to drive to work every day? And then each of us having to drive to the dealer back and forth multiple times a year, might be the other side of town.

    Energy use isn't done in a vacuum. Does growing MJ leave a carbon footprint? Yes, but what doesn't? We can reduce our carbon footprint but not eliminate it in a modern society. I bet home personal grows leave a smaller footprint than the large commercial grow and distribution network that would be required if those growers stopped.

  4. as always a very solid post... I never considered this half, the industrial side of things... I automatically jumped to out door growing... the industry thing spaced me... so yeah!!!! what about that smart guy??? :p
  5. Many thanks Speedy and Toasty, not often you come across a book such as this, so whatta we gonna do, ....grow enough MJ to cover our carbon footprint of actually growing it, currently 12-24 plants a year to a whopping 250 plants a year....LOL!!


    Have the dealer deliver the MJ with the morning paper on a push bike...LOL!

  6. Vostok: I copied it and I'll take a closer look at it when I have more time but my first impression is that he's probably right. One more reason to love my T'5's. Hank

  7. Vostok: I read it and i didn't really feel that they came to any concrete conclusions? How about you? Hank
  8. I don't see the problem here. Build more nuclear power plants so we can grow more dank. And if the world is really heating up we kill like 10 birds with one stone. Everyone in the Middle East will just evaporate, along with Mexico. We'll have more rain due to higher water levels, humidity, and evaporation, and we'll finally be able to grow satvia in Alaska wtf!!!

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