Re-Using Hydroton???

Discussion in 'Hydroponic Growing' started by Crobes, Oct 11, 2010.

  1. Just wanted to see what the general concencus is on reusing hydroton after harvest.
  2. From what I've read (haven't done it myself. On my first grow still) Some people will use it 2 or 3 times before throwing out. If you do reuse it, make sure to give it another good rinsing/soaking.
  3. Before I shifted to Sure-2-Grow I used to reuse Hydroton regularly.
    The secret is to sterilize every time (and rinse out all the broken bits)
    To sterilize make a solution of 1% household bleach (which is 5% stock) and soak the Hydroton for at least 20 minutes. Then rinse well! Bubbling the Hydrorton in clear water with an air stone will insure that the Chlorine will be blown off.
  4. I have been usng the same hydroton for years...
    i rinse in between harvests with 1 drop of bleach, soak them for 10-20 minutes then I rinse them in a strainer before they go back in the table..
    works like a charm....:D
  5. Awesome! Thanks guys that's exactly what I wanted to hear.
  6. From the perspective of folks who don't have many grows under their belt, sometimes the nutes you use, as well as how often you change out the reservoir, can cause salts to visibly form on the hydroton. Rinsing and bleaching was not sufficient for me, I needed to use one of the hydro products for flushing, can't remember which. I would agree with the others with bleaching, you need to get them sterile or you can start out with problems from the go.
  7. It only takes like two drips of bleach in 5 gallons...
    like a eye dropper drips...just to be clear... Otherwise youll have to rinse until ur hands are fricken prunes ya know.....:laughing:
  8. I've been using the same hydroton for a couple years, and I give them a vigorous washing with my hose in the back yard. I've never used bleach...hopefully I don't learn the hard way that I should be using bleach...
  9. i dont think you will.....
    fresh water will also do it, as long as you rinse long enough to loosen the salts...
  10. pH DOWN a bucket of rinse water to around pH 4.0
    That will dissolve any salts build-up on the clay.
    Then rinse again with regular water.

  11. My salts are looser than a fat chick at closing time...
  12. cleaning the hydroton is part of the fun, imo...that is what I like about it, the fact it is reusable. it's the green thing to do, man.

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