When taking painkillers (Fentanyl), how long do you have to wait to take another dose safely? And I don't need a lecture about addiction.
Well, its very hard to overdose in most cases, but fentanyl is actually one of the better "killers." What is the dose and route of administration? Are you just putting it on your skin or do you have a better way to judge your dose?
a lot of it depends on the way your taking the drug...fentanyl is one of the shortest lasting opiates but because of that your tolerance will build and fall really quickly....if you keep doing it every couple hours throughout the day youll have a massive tolerance and probably start getting dependant...i do dope every 3-4 hours if not sooner when its available and fentanyl doesnt last as long as dope. but anyways to be health safe i would enjoy a nice high once for the day and leave it alone...that way youll avoid health risks and addiction risks...its probably not the most realistic idea so if you do use multiple times a day give yourself like 4-5 hours probably. once your tolerance catches up with the potency of the drug you could do it more often, but its a dangerous opiate and easy to OD on so id space the uses out pretty generously.
I'm cutting a 100 mcg/h (or whatever the unit of measurement is) into quarters and chewing it for 15-20 minutes. Thanks for the help (again).
Hey do you have the gel kind? If so I can show you how to make it into a smokeable crystal. Its really easy. I always would put some on a fresh bowl. If you dont have the gel kind, you would have just a flat matrix patch, I believe Mylan makes them the most.