I want to talk about something, this post here above, if you've never read it. I, "g0pher", took someone else's post and theory, and made it as my own. as fucked up as it was... for shit knows sake why i did it, nor can I recall my motives for doing such... *this post is dated back in 11-30-2007, 9 months ago, I believe i had been drunk - or high on some other shit , maybe its coz I was in a fucked up state of mind at that period.. anyways, no use looking for alternative excuses, because the truth is, i did it. full stop. The fuckin worst thing about it is... I defended the argument on and again. I can honestly say I sincerely apologize to all ... and request that you all accept my apologies I am all for the city, and for the passions of all its members, each of us, mine, yours, and the whole of Grasscity, my hope is that grasscity never dies, or its members lose their interest. If you're feeling me on this - Raise a blunt my brothers. We post our ideas and our opinions so that we may grow and learn from other's opinions and thoughts, as well as of our own. Coz we're all just stoners, writing behind anonymous aliases and avatars - all with common interests and similar habits, namely of which is blazing it up and posting in the city But all in all, i feel like a cunt. i will never do anything like that again... Thank you all my toker brothers PEACE